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研究生(外文):Hsuan-Yeh Lin
論文名稱(外文):Alert Integration in Mobile SOC
指導教授(外文):Jung-Shian Li
外文關鍵詞:SOCmobile agentalert correlation
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目前已經有很多安全軟體來防護上述情形,但這些安全軟體(如:入侵偵測/防禦系統、防毒軟體)仍存在相當多的問題,例如:誤判率高、產生一堆多餘的警告;在愈大的組織或機關中,其安全軟體就必然愈多,佈署必然愈複雜,產生的警告數量勢必相當龐大,甚至警告的格式隨著不同的設備而不同,進而告成管理上的困難。安全管理營運中心(Security Operation Center,SOC)提供安全管理、組織與資料搜集的機制,能夠有效解決上述問題。
With the universal of Internet, the use of network has become a part of our daily life, for example: e-government, commodity trade, banking service…etc. There are a lot of dangers of attacks, malice behaviors in network when we deal with all of those above. Besides, we put more and more privacy data in network, hence, the risks that hosts suffered attack that made our data lose or be stolen will be more and more serious.
There have been already a lot of security software to prevent from all of those above (for example: IDS, IPS, anti-virus software, firewalls…etc), but there are still a lot of problem in these security software, such as “High False Positive Rate”, large amounts of non-relevant events. The bigger the organization is, the more the security software is, as a result, its deploy must be more complex, and the amount of these alerts they generated must be surplus. Because the alert is different as the different equipment, to manage those things is very difficult. Security Operation Center (SOC) that provides assistance in automation to security policy management, security organizational management and security operation management at the upper level could solve all of those problems above.
We present one hierarchical-SOC using mobile agent, hierarchy will expand the range of the network that one manages, and the distributed system could reduce the probability of being attacked. Under the part—“alert correlation”, there are two components. We enumerate several real attacks to test and verify our architecture on Taiwan Network Security Testbed, and the result match what we expected.
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1安全管理營運中心 1
1.2行動代理人(mobile agent) 2
1.3動機 2
1.4貢獻 3
1.5論文架構 4
Chapter 2 Related work 6
2.1警告的整合(alert correlation) 6
2.2入侵偵測訊息交換格式 7
2.3相關工具簡介 9
Chapter 3使用行動代理人偵測慢速掃描 14
3.1入侵偵測系統 14
3.2掃描埠號行為 16
3.3實作與整體架構 22
3.4實驗場景與分析結果 26
Chapter 4安全管理營運中心之警告整合行動代理人群組之架構與實現 31
4.1整體架構 31
4.2 Alert Fusion 37
4.3 Alert verification 43
4.4最終的警告與管理者使用介面 48
Chapter 5安全管理營運行動代理人群組之實驗及結果 50
5.1場景一:Nature Traffic in NCKU EE 50
5.2場景二:DARPA 1999 53
5.3場景三:Treasure Hunt 55
5.4場景四:DARPA 2000 57
5.5場景五:U.C Davis 59
Chapter 6結論以及未來工作 61
References 62
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