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研究生(外文):Chang-wei Huang
論文名稱(外文):The fabrication and simulation of dielectric-based laser reflector and microcavity
指導教授(外文):Su-Yen KunChih-Ming Ting
外文關鍵詞:dielectric-based materialRF sputtering systemDistributed Bragg Reflector(DBR)
  • 被引用被引用:0
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本論文是以介電材料為基礎應用在半導體藍光雷射中布拉格反射器之改良。我們用射頻濺鍍系統製作TiO2 /SiO2及ITO/SiO2 兩種不同的布拉格反射器(DBR)去做一些反射率的量測和比較,其禁止帶中心波長設400nm 。
首先 , 我們以傳輸矩陣(transfer matrix)的理論配合Matlab軟體去模擬分析 , 去解釋在不同的對數下所產生的反射率對波長的關係圖 。
之後 , 在不同基板上製作不同布拉格反射器(DBR)的堆疊設計,比較反射率的差異和禁止帶寬度的不同。此外 , 把實驗樣品拿去作SEM、AFM、SIMS、UV-UIS-NIR等儀器量測 , 作一些特性上的量測 。然後進一步將實驗和理論的結果做比較。
最後 , 製作介電材料為主的微腔體 ,在腔體的上半部和下半部是由高反射率的布拉格反射器所組成。微腔體主要的功用是在某一個波段有濾光的效應 。 此外 ,如果我們調整實驗參數 , 最後實驗結果,也就是在反射率對波長的關係圖中 , 所產生的低反射谷(凹陷處)會有偏移或反射率改變的現象。
In this paper, we use dielectric-based material in the improvement and application of Distributed Bragg Reflector (DBR) of semiconductor blue laser. We fabricateTiO2 /SiO2 and ITO/SiO2 two different kinds of Distributed Bragg Reflector (DBR) by RF sputter system. Also, we measure and compare the reflectivity of DBR in different pairs. To design the central wavelength of stop band (400nm).
First, we learn transfer matrix theory and Matlab software to simulate and analysis. Besides,to explain the diagram of reflectivity versus wavelength in different pairs.
Then, we fabricate different stack design of Distributed Bragg Reflector (DBR) on the different substrate and compare the difference of reflectivity and the diversity of stop band width. Besides, the samples are measured by SEM、AFM、SIMS、UV-UIS-NIR measurement and do characteristic measurement. At last,we will compare experimental and simulated result.
At last, we also fabricate and simulate dielectric-based microcavity. The structure of microcavity is composed of fixed cavity between two highly reflectivity mirrors. The purpose of dielectric-based microcavity is to filiter light in some wavelength.Besides, we adjust experimental parameters and from the result, the curve of dip in the diagram will be shift and the reflectivity will be changed.
Abstract in Chinese.....I
Acknowledgements.. III
Figure Captions..XII
Table Captions..XVII
Chapter 1 Introduction....1
Chapter 2 The Theory of Simulation ......4
2.1 The Principle and Simulated Analysis of Reflective
layer of Multilayer film-TMM (Transfer Matrix
Method).... 4
2.2 The Simulation of Dielectric-based DBR In
Different Pairs-Numerical Simulation of DBR use
Matlab software...... 13
2.3 The energy dispersion of the refractive index of
three different material.............. 20
2.4 The calculated reflectivity of SiO2- ITO (DBR) and
SiO2-TiO2(DBR) in different
Chapter 3 The fabrication and method of Distributed
Bragg Reflector (DBR)............. 24
3.1 The principle of plasma...... 24
3.2 RF sputtering system .........25
3.3 The procedure of experiment........... 28
3.4 The fabrication of SiO2-ITO (DBR)..... 30
3.5 The fabrication of SiO2-TiO2 (DBR)....31
3.6 Experimental parameter....... 33
Chapter 4 Experimental Measurement........... 35
4.1 SEM Measurement..... 35
4.2 Hall Measurement....37
4.3 UV-VIS-NIR Measurement....... 40
4.4 SIMS Measurement... 45
4.5 AFM Measurement..... 49
4.6 Ellipsometric Measurement.... 53
4.7 O2 content-optical constant.. 64
Chapter 5 Microcavity-Fabrication and Simulation.....65
5.1 The simulation of microcavity .....65
5.2 The DBR Microcavity Analysis.......... 66
5.3 The procedure of experiment........... 67
5.4 The fabrication of microcavity........ 71
Chapter 6 Results and Discussion........... 73
6.1 The advantages of dielectric-based material for
Distributed Bragg Reflector (DBR).....73
6.2 The physical property of dielectric material... 74
6.3 Mechanical Properties of Optical Thin Films....75
Chapter 7 Conclusions.... 76
Chapter 8 Future Works... 77
References........ 78
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