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研究生(外文):Kuan-Yu Lee
論文名稱(外文):Study on TiO2 multi-function biomedical sensors by using Sol-gel method
指導教授(外文):Tai-Ping Sun
外文關鍵詞:EGFETSol-gel methodEnFETCyclic voltammetryDifferential current input measurement
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本論文主要研究目的為製作一延伸式閘極場效電晶體 (EGFET)之電壓式酸鹼感測元件,以及電流式尿酸生物感測器,並分析及探討其特性。
感測薄膜方面,選擇網版印刷碳電極以及氧化銦錫玻璃基版兩種材質,並以溶膠凝膠法製備二氧化鈦薄膜進行實驗量測,其線性範圍內之靈敏度分別為53mV/pH及48mV/pH,而加大感測面積之量測可提升其線性度與量測範圍並縮短其響應時間至5秒以下,但缺點為其靈敏度會有些許降低。尿酸之酵素固定化方式為物理性固定技術之膠體包埋法,將尿酸生物酵素物質包覆於二氧化鈦感測膜上,使其形成生物酵素薄膜,並對專一特定之生物物質進行氧化還原反應,再利用延伸式閘極場效電晶體(EGFET)原理,製成酵素場效電晶體 (EnFET),並利用循環伏安儀進行掃瞄分析其氧化還原機制,確保無中間產物之影響。其次,本論文於電壓式酸鹼量測,使用低成本、面積小、製程容易之網版印刷Ag/AgCl取代市售參考電極,其靈敏度為48mV/pH且線性度佳,並於電流式尿酸量測部份,結合酸鹼感測元件進行差動輸入電流式電路量測,降低複雜的背景環境影響,而碳基版及氧化銦錫基版之靈敏度於0mg/dl~12mg/dl分別為344nAcm-2(mgdl)-1及212nAcm-2(mgdl)-1,相較各國論文,皆有不錯之響應特性。
In this thesis, we developed an extended gate field effect transistor’s (EGFET) voltammetric pH sensor and amperometric biosensor for uric acid, and analyzes its characteristics.

In our experiment, screen-printed carbon electrode and glass indium tin oxide electrode were used, and the membrane for the use of our research was prepared by the sol-gel method, and the sensitivity of each under the linear measuring range was 53 mV/pH and 48mV/pH. By expanding the sensing area higher can increase linearity、measurable ranges and shorten the response time below 5 seconds, but there will be a slight drop of its sensitivity. Nevertheless, by using the principle of EGFET we build up the enzyme sensitive field effect transistor (ENFET) which the biomedical uricase membrane was coated onto the TiO2 film by using physical immobilization – Gel entrapment, and the enzyme membrane can only redox to certain substances which will be scanned and analyzed by cyclic voltammetry and make sure there is no intermediate.

Additionally in this thesis, screen-printed Ag/AgCl was used to replace the commercial reference electrode on the voltammetric pH sensing with sensitivity 48 mV/pH and fine linearity, due to its advantage of low cost、small dimension and fabrication straightforward. We measured the amperometric signal by using differential current input, which combines pH sensor and the uric acid sensor in order to reduce the affection from background environment. Compared with other papers around the world, we have a fine sensitivity of 344 nAcm-2(mgdl)-1 and 212 nAcm-2(mgdl)-1 on carbon、ITO substrates between concentration 0 mg/dl ~ 12 mg/dl.

第一章 緒論.........................................................1
1-1 研究背景........................................................1
1-2 研究目的........................................................3
1-3 研究流程........................................................4

第二章 生物感測器之探討.............................................7
2-1 感測器之演進....................................................7
2-2 ISFET之工作原理.................................................9
2-3 能斯特響應.....................................................11
2-4 EGFET原理......................................................12
2-5 電化學生物感測器...............................................17

第三章 酸鹼感測器之製作與量測......................................20
3-1 生化感測器原理.................................................20
3-2 pH酸鹼感測器之製作.............................................21
3-3 pH酸鹼感測器之儀表放大器量測...................................23
3-4 量測結果與分析.................................................25
3-4-1 0.25cm2小面積之酸鹼量測..................................25
3-4-2 6cm2大面積之酸鹼量測.....................................26
3-4-3 等效時間常數與等效電阻、等效電容值........................29
3-4-4 6cm2大面積之網版印刷參考電極.............................32
3-4-5 溶膠-凝膠TiO2於ITO玻璃基版..............................34
第四章 尿酸(Uric Acid)感測器之製作與量測...........................37
4-1 尿酸簡介.......................................................37
4-2 酵素固定.......................................................38
4-3 尿酸感測器之製作與架構.........................................43
4-3-1 尿酸感測器之製作.........................................43
4-3-2 尿酸感測器之量測分析.....................................45
4-3-3 三極式量測架構...........................................46
4-4 尿酸量測實驗與分析.............................................47
4-4-1 尿酸實驗與分析...........................................47
4-4-2 尿酸差動電流輸入之量測...................................55
4-5 文獻比較.......................................................59

第五章 結論........................................................62
5-1 結論...........................................................62
5-2 未來展望.......................................................63

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