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研究生(外文):Hsieh Ming-jung
論文名稱(外文):The Traveling Shock Wave in Granular Flows and the Initiation of Debris Flows Triggered by Viscose Interstitial Fluid
指導教授(外文):Tai Yih-chin
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實驗採用2 mm的球型玻璃珠,置於壓克力流槽內的擋板後方,分別使用不同寬度的流槽、改變顆粒材料釋放位置、改變顆粒材料釋放高度並且改變流槽傾角,設計一系列的實驗,藉以瞭解不同實驗條件下之傳遞震波速度與堆積厚度。
實驗採用2 mm的球型玻璃珠,置於曲坡面流槽內的水平區域並固定其堆積形狀,經由改變黏滯性液體濃度、黏滯性液體供水量與流槽傾角,設計一系列的實驗,藉以瞭解不同實驗條件下之顆粒速度與土體。
This research combines two parts. They are “The Traveling Shock Wave in Granular Flows” and “the Initiation of Debris Flows Triggered by Viscose Interstitial Fluid.”
First, we are going to analyze “The Traveling Shock Wave in Granular Flows.” This experiment emphasizes on the phenomena of the accumulation caused by the rotation of the granular hitting against the obstacle, and we used the photography technique to observe the speed of the rotation of the granular movement and the height of the accumulation to analyze more about the motion of the granular.
The following is about the items and the steps of this experiment used for “The Traveling Shock Wave in Granular Flows.” We designed a series of experiments to figure out the speed and the height of the accumulation of the shock wave. We used the quartz granular in 2 millimeters put in the back of the board controlling the quantity of the quartz granular flowing through the opening controlled by the board. We also used the different channels in width, changed the places and the inclination of the channels which the granular started to flow to observe this granular motion.
Second, this is about “the Initiation of Debris Flows Triggered by Viscose Interstitial Fluid.” This experiment concentrated on the effects caused by the viscose fluid on the mudflows and landslides. Besides, we cannot do without the photography technique to observe the speed of granular material motion and set up the velocity field.
The quartz granular in 2 millimeters was put in the convex and concave curved slope channel and stabilized the shape of the accumulation. Then, according to the variation of the concentration of the viscose fluid, the quantity of the supply of the viscose fluid and the inclination of the channels, we could figure out the relation of the concentration of the viscose fluid and the starting of the accumulation.
論文摘要 I
目錄 III
圖目錄…………………………………………………………………………………… VI
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究動機 2
1.3 研究方法 2
1.3.1 顆粒流之傳遞震波實驗 2
1.3-2 孔隙黏滯流體對土石流啟動之影響 3
1.4論文內容 3
第二章 文獻回顧 4
2.1 前言 4
2.1.1 流槽內無凝聚力的顆粒材料重力流(Gravity flow of cohesionless granular materials in chutes and channels) 4
2.1.2 震波、靜止區域與無粒子區間(shock waves, dead zones and particle-free regions) 4
2.1.3 迅速滑動的乾顆粒流碰撞到障礙物之實驗 5
2.2 孔隙黏滯液體對土石流誘發啟動之影響 7
2.2.1 土石流之形成與分類 7
2.2.2 土石流之發生機制 8
2.2.3 土石流材料破壞行為之研究 9
2.2.4 粗顆粒材料對土石流體流變特性影響 9
2.2.5 壩體經由滲流破壞產生之土石流 10
2.2.6 斜坡土體滲流崩壞及轉化為土石流之過程 11
第三章 實驗設備 12
3.1 共用儀器 12
3.1.1 數位量角器 12
3.1.2 無刷伺服馬達組合與轉速機—計時器 12
3.1.3 玻璃珠顆粒 13
3.2 顆粒流之傳遞震波實驗 14
3.2.1 數位攝影機(DV) 14
3.2.2 直接剪力試驗儀 15
3.2.3 直線型壓克力流槽 17
3.3 孔隙黏滯流體對土石流誘發啟動之影響實驗 19
3.3.1 高速攝影機 19
3.3.2 曲坡面流槽 22
3.3.3 DVE黏度計 23
第四章 顆粒流之傳遞震波實驗 25
4.1 實驗裝置與準備工作 25
4.2 實驗內容 27
4.3 實驗結果 28
4.3.1 不同流槽傾角之實驗(Exp I) 28 實驗內容 28 實驗步驟 29 實驗結果 29
4.3.2 不同流槽內寬之實驗(Exp II) 33 實驗內容 33 實驗步驟 33 實驗結果 33
4.3.3 不同顆粒材料釋放位置之實驗(Exp III) 34 實驗內容 34 實驗步驟 34 實驗結果 34
4.3.4 不同釋放開口大小之實驗(Exp IV) 36 實驗內容 36 實驗步驟 36 實驗結果 36
4.4 摩擦角 39
4.4.1 傾斜實驗 40 實驗步驟 40 實驗結果 41
4.4.2 直剪實驗 41
4.4.3 內摩擦角實驗 43
4.4.4 等效內摩擦角 43
4.4.5 摩擦角實驗結果與討論 47
4.5 傳遞震波實驗結果與討論 48
4.6 傳遞震波速度與高度之分析方法 49
4.7 傳遞震波速度與堆積厚度之結果與討論 52
4.8 渥太華標準砂之傳遞震波實驗 68
4.8.1 實驗準備工作與實驗步驟 68
4.8.2 由流槽上方所得之顆粒流與傳遞震波速度 71
第五章 孔隙黏滯流體對土石流誘發啟動之影響 75
5.1 實驗裝置與準備工作 75
5.2 實驗內容 77
5.3 速度場之分析 78
5.4 結果與討論 81
5.4.1 滲流實驗 81
5.4.2 偃塞湖實驗 81
5.4.3 土體內部的孔隙流體度對土體啟動之影響 83
5.4.4 誤差來源 86
5.5 土體啟動之速度場 86
第六章 總結與未來展望 129
6.1 顆粒材料在遭遇障礙物後的運動情形 129
6.2 孔隙黏滯流體對土石流誘發啟動之影響 131
參考文獻 134
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