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研究生(外文):Hsiao-Ying Lee
論文名稱(外文):Diffusion of e-ecommerce in Taiwan's industrial structure: the perspectives of social network analysis and autocorrelation model
指導教授(外文):Hsin-Yu Shih
外文關鍵詞:濡染效果組織特性Innovation diffusionE-commerce adoptionSocial network analysisContagion effectsOrganizational characteristic
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由於電子商務的崛起,許多學者紛紛致力於電子商務相關領域的研究。然而,先前的研究大多著眼於組織內部的因素如何影響電子商務採用,較少探討組織外部對於採用決策的影響。因此,本研究試圖將兩者結合,以社會網絡分析及自我迴歸模型探究電子商務在台灣產業擴散的模式。其中,臺灣整體產業包含88個產業分類,其中59個產業歸類為製造業;29個產業則歸納為服務業。除了進行產業內的研究,我們也將台灣整體產業、製造業及服務業做跨產業的比較分析。研究結果發現,在外部的影響方面,電子商務在台灣整體產業的擴散,以凝聚力模型(cohesion model)的效果最為顯著。反之,電子商務在製造產業及服務產業的擴散,則是以結構同位模型(structural equivalence model)為主。此外,在內部的影響方面,台灣整體產業、製造業、服務業對於電子商務採用的決策,皆與自身研發密度有正向且顯著的關係。有別於過往的文獻,本研究透過社會網絡分析及自我迴歸模型的方法,分析電子商務在台灣產業擴散的模式,提供後續研究者另一種創新擴散研究的方向。
Since e-commerce can be considered as an innovation, many scholars have been interested in studying e-commerce related areas. However, former literature mainly focuses on the internal effects of adopting e-commerce, paying scant attention to the influence from external effects. This study not only hinges on the influence of organizational effects but also those of external effects. That is, a social network analysis and an autocorrelation model are employed to identify the situation of diffusion in e-commerce among 88 sectors in Taiwan’s Industrial Structure, then divide the 88*88 matrix into a 59*59 manufacturing matrix and a 29*29 service matrix to perform the comparative analysis. The empirical results of contagion effects show that e-commerce diffusion within Taiwan’s industry is influenced by a cohesion model that differs from the results in manufacturing and service; namely, these two industries are influenced by structural equivalence. The empirical results of organizational effects indicate that only the R&D intensity affects all sectors’ adoptive decisions within each industrial structure. Drawing on a social network analysis and an autocorrelation model, this study outlines a complete methodology for testing the diffusion mechanism, and provides direction on the diffusion of innovation.
Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Research Motivations 2
1.2 Research Questions 3
Chapter 2 Literature Review 4
2.1 A Review of Innovation Diffusion studies 4
2.2 Electronic Commence Adoption 5
2.3 Social Network Analysis 6
2.4 Contagion effect 7
2.4.1 Cohesion Model 9
2.4.2 Structural Equivalence 10
2.5 Organizational Characteristics 11
Chapter 3 Methods 14
3.1 Research Hypotheses 14
3.1.1 Cohesion Model 14
3.1.2 Structural Equivalence 15
3.1.3 Comparison 16
3.1.4 Industrial Characteristics 16
3.2 Methodology 17
3.2.1 Cohesion model 19
3.2.2 Structural equivalence model 20
3.2.3 Autocorrelation Model 21
3.3 Data Collection 22
Chapter 4 Result and Finding 23
4.1 Empirical result of Contagion effect 23
4.2 Contagion effect in Taiwan’s Industry 24
4.3 Contagion effect in Manufacturing Industry 26
4.4 Contagion effect in Service Industry 29
4.5 Research Findings 31
4.5.1 Taiwan’s Industry 31
4.5.2 Manufacturing Industry 32
4.5.3 Service Industry 32

4.5.4 Taiwan Industry V.S Manufacturing Industry 33
4.5.5 Taiwan Industry V.S Service Industry 33
4.5.6 Manufacturing Industry V.S Service Industry 34
Chapter 5 Discussion and Conclusion 36
Reference 38
Appendix 42

List of Table

Table 4.1.1 Result of Descriptive Statistics 24
Table 4.2.1 Result of Regression Analysis in Taiwan Industry 25
Table 4.2.2 Result of Local Effects on Taiwan’s Industry 26
Table 4.2.3 Result of Autocorrelation Model in Taiwan Industry 26
Table 4.3.1 Result of Regression Analysis in Manufacturing Industry 28
Table 4.3.2 Result of Local effect in Manufacturing Industry 28
Table 4.3.3 Result of Autocorrelation Model in Manufacturing Industry 29
Table 4.4.1 Result of Regression Analysis in Service Industry 30
Table 4.4.2 Result of Local Effect in Service Industry 30
Table 4.4.3 Result of Autocorrelation Model in Service Industry 31
Table 4.5.1 Regression analysis of sales value between manufacturing and service industry 35
Table 4.2.4 Summary of the result in Taiwan Industry 42
Table 4.3.4 Summary of the result in Manufacturing Industry 43
Table 4.4.4 Summary of the result in Service Industry 44
Table 2 Descriptive Statistics of Taiwan’s sectors. 45
Table 3 產業分類表 50
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