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研究生(外文):LEE YA-NA
論文名稱(外文):An Analysis of Political Changes in Thaksin Shinawatra Era(2001-2006)
指導教授(外文):Dr.Chen, Pei-Hsiu
外文關鍵詞:semi-democracyNew politicsThaksinAnti-ThaksinStabilityVariation
  • 被引用被引用:5
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This thesis aims to analyize the political changes in Thailand’s Thaksin Shinawatra era which covers the fulfillment of Thaksin’s first administration (2001-2004) as well as the short second administration terminated by a military coup (2005-2006). The Thaksin regime carried out the missions on electoral system reform and party politics development offered by the 1997 constitution.
Thaksin formed the first majority government based on one party in Thai politics and won a landslide victory in the second term election that demonstrates an unprecedented absolute majority in Thai political history. However, this solid regime suddenly overthrown by the military and the representative democracy terminated at the same moment. Why?
This research tries to explore the factors of the stabilities and variation of Thaksin regime so as to demonstrate that Thai tradition political culture still dominates modern Thai politics. The fall of Thaksin seems to indicate that moral legitimacy bypasses legal legitimacy and Thai politics might come back to the semi-democracy before the 1997 constitution.

Key Word:
semi-democracy、New politics、Thaksin、Anti-Thaksin、Stability、Variation

第一節 研究緣起……………………………… …01
第二節 研究動機與目的…………………………14
第三節 分析架構與章節安排…………………...17
第四節 研究方法………………………………….20
第五節 文獻探討…………………………………21


第一節 半民主體制的延續與阻隔……………27
第二節 1997年新憲法的政治改革……………32
第三節 政黨體系結構的改變…………………..46

-再造政黨政治………………………………… 52

第一節 塔信的第一任期(2001-2004年)
第二節 塔信的第二任期(2005-2006)
第三節 塔信政權穩定性因素探討……………. 67

第一節 2006「反塔信」政治浪潮……………… 73
第二節 軍事政變的傳統與政治文化的遺緒……79
第三節 塔信政權變動性因素分析……………….84

結論………………………………………………. 106

一、 中文書目
二、 中文期刊
三、 英文書目
四、 英文期刊


附件五:泰國歷次憲法 ( 名稱與效期 )
附件六:泰國歷次憲法 ( 重要內涵 )
附件七:泰國憲法、內閣、總理任期對照表 (1932-1997)
附件十:泰國1991年政變後的選舉 (1992-2001)


【表 3-1 】新政黨組織法 (1999) 以後的泰國政黨概況……………. 53
【表3-2】2001年泰國大選結果…………………………….. 61
【表3-3】塔信第一任期重大政策人民認同度 (2001–2004) 63
【表4-1】泰國政變頻率表 (1932 - 1991)…………………….82


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