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研究生(外文):Zheng-Liang Zhong
論文名稱(外文):The Feasibility Study for Determining the Locations and Numbers of Gravel Bed Material Sampling
指導教授(外文):Jyh-Jong Liao
外文關鍵詞:bed materialgrid samplingriver morphologyselect system
  • 被引用被引用:4
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Bed material is one of important influence factors when concerning about the flow resistance, particle initial movement and sediment transport. In general, grid sampling is more economy and efficient than volumetric sampling. Due to the grain size distribution of bed material is strongly affected by river morphology, riverbed material, and river geology, it is necessary to divide a river into several sub-streams by a river classification system before deciding sampling sites.
The river classification system proposed by C.W. Fu (2005) was adopted in the thesis. The study aims to study the feasibility of sampling locations and sampling numbers and to present adjusted methods of Grain size distribution curve obtained from grid sampling. The Toucian River was selected as an example. Based on the classification system, the river is divided into 6 sub-streams and 24 sets of volumetric sampling and 66 sets of grid sampling were conducted.
Based on the sampling results, the facts reflect that the grain size distribution curve obtained from grid sampling adjusted by the armor fines methods are smooth and reasonable and the method is suitable for the site with non-covered riffle and no plant bar. For the sampling locations and numbers, the results show that in Meandering and Anastomosed river, bed material is finer as the distance between main streamway shorter, 1~2 sampling sites on the riffle of crossing were recommended; in Braided river, 2~3 sampling sites on each bar were suggesred.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
致謝 iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 x
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3 論文內容 2
第二章 文獻回顧 3
2.1 礫石河床質特徵 3
2.1.1 縱向變異性 4
2.1.2 橫向變異性 5
2.1.3 垂直向變異性 8
2.2 河床質調查方法 11
2.2.1 取樣方法 12
2.2.2 不同調查方法的結果差異性與關係 14
2.2.3 粒徑分佈試驗與重量估計方法 17
2.3 網格法取樣數量 19
2.4 調查數量、時間、頻率 21
2.5 河相學與河川分類 22
2.5.1 河相定義 22
2.5.2 既有河川分類系統 23
2.6 綜合討論 29
第三章 研究方法 31
3.1 概述 31
3.2 取樣位置評選 32
3.2.1 縱向位置評選 32
3.2.2 橫向位置評選 34
3.2.3 垂直向變異性 36
3.3 取樣與樣品處理方式 38
3.3.1 網格法採樣與分析 38
3.3.2 網格法細顆粒修正方法 40
3.3.3 體積法採樣與分析 43
3.3.4 樣品處理方法 45
3.4 最低調查數量研究 46
第四章 試驗規劃與試驗結果 47
4.1 試驗位置規劃 47
4.1.1 河川分類 47
4.1.2 取樣位置選取 49
4.2 網格法試驗成果 61
4.3 體積法試驗成果 65
第五章 網格法細粒料修正及網格法與體積法結果比較 74
5.1 網格法修正方法 74
5.2 網格法與體積法的結果比較 80
第六章 調查位置與數量的合理性 84
6.1 縱向與橫向變異性討論 84
6.1.1 橫向變異性討論 84
6.1.2 縱向變異性討論 93
6.2 調查位置與數量的合理性討論 96
6.2.1 調查位置評選 97
6.2.2 試驗數量評估 99
6.3 河床質調查流程 99
第七章 結論與建議 102
7.1 結論 102
7.2 建議 105
參考文獻 106
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