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研究生(外文):Yu-Min Chang
論文名稱(外文):The Implementation Plan of Critical Chain Project Management
指導教授(外文):Rong-kwei Li
外文關鍵詞:Critical Chain Project ManagementStrategy and Tactic TreeTOC
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關鍵鏈專案管理(Critical Chain Project Management, CCPM)是1997年由Eliyahu M. Goldratt所提出的限制理論(Theory of Constraints, TOC)管理方法之一。Goldratt延續其限制理論的主張,認為專案環境中,唯有專案如期達交才能使企業獲得產出(throughput)而達到良好的績效表現。因此,造成專案無法如期達交而績效不佳的限制因素,便是專案環境的瓶頸。由於專案是由一系列的相依任務和資源所組成,因此專案交期受到任務相依和資源相依的最長路徑─關鍵鏈─的影響,故由關鍵鏈長度所決定的專案時程便是專案管理的瓶頸,即企業改善專案管理績效的槓桿點。
Critical Chain Project Management is one of the applications of TOC (Theory of Constraints) proposed by Eliyahu M. Goldratt in 1997. Continuing his assertion, Goldratt claims enterprises can gain throughputs and achieve good performance only when they can deliver projects on time for project environments. Therefore, the restricted factor causing projects delay is the constraint of project environments. Projects are composed of series of tasks and resources. Accordingly, the project due date is affected by the longest path, called “Critical Chain”, composed of dependent tasks and resources. The project schedule determined by the length of Critical Chain is consequently the constraint of project management which is the leverage point for enterprises to improve their project performances.
In this decade, CCPM has proved its practicality by increasing successful implementations. However, the tendencies of present researches are technical issues of critical chain scheduling and buffer calculations, debates between supporters and antagonists, and comparisons between CCPM and CPM (Critical Path Management). There are seldom discussions about execution of CCPM.
In 2006, Goldratt proposed “Strategy and Tactic Tree (S&T Tree)” to deploy his concepts into executable scheme. There are six sub-topics regarding high project due date performance. The author considers these six sub-topics are intermediate objectives which deserves further studies. This thesis deploys executable tasks and constructs the implementation plan based on S&T Tree for those who feel interested.
中文摘要 --------------------------------------------- i
英文摘要 --------------------------------------------- ii
誌謝 --------------------------------------------- iii
目錄 --------------------------------------------- iv
表目錄 --------------------------------------------- v
圖目錄 --------------------------------------------- vii
第一章 緒論 ---------------------------------------- 1
1.1 研究動機 ------------------------------------ 1
1.2 研究目的 ------------------------------------ 3
1.3 研究流程與架構 ------------------------------ 3
第二章 文獻探討 ------------------------------------ 4
2.1 專案現況 ------------------------------------ 4
2.2 關鍵鏈專案管理 ------------------------------ 6
第三章 Goldratt高專案交期績效之策略與戰術圖 -------- 10
3.1 高專案交期績效之策略與戰術圖概述 ------------ 10
3.2 策略與戰術圖內容說明 ------------------------ 11
3.2.1 目標1:高專案交期績效 ----------------------- 11
3.2.2 中繼目標2.1:降低不良多工 ------------------- 13
3.2.3 中繼目標2.2:充分的準備工作 ----------------- 15
3.2.4 中繼目標2.3:關鍵鏈排程 --------------------- 16
3.2.5 中繼目標2.4:管理優先順序 ------------------- 18
3.2.6 中繼目標2.5:動態任務管理 ------------------- 19
3.2.7 中繼目標2.6:減少客戶造成的任務中斷 --------- 20
第四章 發展第三階層執行任務 ------------------------ 23
4.1 研究之發展工具 ------------------------------ 23
4.1.1 策略與戰術圖發展模型 ------------------------ 23
4.1.2 任務定義流程 -------------------------------- 24
4.1.3 執行計劃 ------------------------------------ 24
4.2 高專案交期績效之三階層策略與戰術圖 ---------- 25
4.3 中繼目標2.1:降低不良多工 ------------------- 27
4.4 中繼目標2.2:充分的準備工作 ----------------- 39
4.5 中繼目標2.3:關鍵鏈排程 --------------------- 45
4.6 中繼目標2.4:管理優先順序 ------------------- 56
4.7 中繼目標2.5:動態任務管理 ------------------- 64
4.8 中繼目標2.6:減少客戶造成的任務中斷 --------- 76
4.9 高專案交期績效之執行計劃 -------------------- 81
第五章 結論與建議 ---------------------------------- 82
參考文獻 --------------------------------------------- 84
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