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論文名稱(外文):The Mechanism for Revising Master Production Schedule with Constraint of Process Window and Machine Dedication for Wafer Fabs
外文關鍵詞:process windowmachine dedicationcycle timeafer fabrication
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As the semiconductor process technology progress, the inevitable trend of IC product developing is toward mini-size. Hence, in order to meet new manufacturing technology and the precise alignment, wafers must be processed on the machines that satisfy process specification. As a result, the process window and machine dedication restrictions have appeared within photo and etching workstation. The different machines capabilities will probably affect the variance of product cycle time.
In this thesis, we first develop two mix-integer programming model to allocate capacity loading between machine groups of photo and etching workstation for minimizing the variability of product cycle time. Then, the utilization rate of each machine group within photo and etching workstations is derived. Next, we also develop a cycle time estimation methodology to estimate the cycle time of each product considering different utilization rates of machine groups existed in photo and etching. Furthermore, in the controlling maximum utilization difference module, a value is set as the maximum utilization difference between machine groups for photo and etching workstations to avoid the product cycle time being lengthened due to the too large machine utilization and hence lose industry competitiveness. In this module, we also develop production plan adjustment models for the too low average utilization rate and the too long product cycle time scenarios to revise the production target. Finally, we proposed a material release planning module to balance the machine groups utilization within a workstations by setting a fixed a release sequence,adopting CONWIP release rule and developing dispatching rule. Following the above procedure, a reasonable master production schedule under the constraint of process window and machine dedication is obtained.
Experiment reveals that comparison the cycle time, estimated by the block based cycle time estimation methodology under various utilization, with that of simulation result, the maximum error is within 8% and the average error is about 5%. Besides, by controlling of maximum utilization difference, production plan adjusting models can generate suitable MPS quickly. Also, based on the material release planning module, the utilization rate of photo and etching workstations can be maintained at planned level and the system production performance can be achieved. Consequently, the mechanism proposed in this thesis can be used as reference for master production planning under the constraint of process window and machine dedication.
摘要 I
Abstract III
誌謝 V
目錄 VII
圖目錄 X
表目錄 XI
符號一覽表 XIV
第一章、緒論 1
1.1、研究背景與動機 1
1.2、研究目的 4
1.3、研究範圍與限制 6
1.4、研究方法 7
第二章、文獻探討 9
2.1、晶圓製造製程簡介 9
2.2、週期時間之估算方法 12
2.2.1、直接程序法(direct procedure) 13
2.2.2、模擬法(simulation)與人工智慧法(artificial intelligence; AI) 13
2.2.3、統計分析法(statistical analysis method) 14
2.2.4、數學分析法(mathematical method) 14
2.2.5、混合法(Hybrid method) 17
2.2.6、區段基礎式週期時間估算法 19
2.3、在製品量設定 26
2.4、製程規格能力限制之相關文獻 28
2.4.1、製程規格能力之問題定義 28
2.4.2、製程規格能力相關研究 30
2.5、垂直鎖定機台特性之相關研究 31
第三章、模式建構 38
3.1、問題定義與分析 38
3.2、整體邏輯與架構 40
3.3、生產週期時間估算模組 43
3.3.1、求算微影與蝕刻工作站各機群來到率與利用率 44、微影工作站機群產能負荷分配模式 48、蝕刻工作站機群產能負荷分配模式 53
3.3.2、運用機群利用率差異下區段基礎式週期時間估算法(BBCT-VU)估算負荷因子之等候時間 55
3.3.3、運用 BBCT-VU估算因機群利用率差異導致之製程相依批量因子等候時間 58
3.4、產能利用率最大差異設定模組 68
3.4.1、計算規劃週期內各產品總加權提早完工時間(Earliness)和總加權延遲時間(Tardiness) 70
3.4.2、兩工作站負荷互動性分析與生產計劃調整 71、增加產量之生產計劃調整模式 71、微影工作站為主,蝕刻工作站為輔之生產計劃調整模式 74
3.4.3、兩工作站內機群利用率差異設定 76
3.5、投料規劃模組 76
3.5.1、瓶頸每日各產品產出數量 77
3.5.2、投料規劃 78
3.5.3、系統最適在製品量 81
3.5.4 派工法則之構建 82
第四章、模擬驗證 84
4.1、系統環境說明 84
4.1.1、生產環境資料 84
4.1.2、生產週期時間估算模組假設 85
4.1.3、產能利用率最大差異設定模組假設 89
4.1.4、投料規劃模組假設 89
4.1.5、模擬環境說明 89
4.2、生產週期時間估算模組之執行過程 90
4.2.1、微影與蝕刻工作站負荷分配模式 90、微影工作站產能負荷分配模式 90、蝕刻工作站產能負荷分配模式 101
4.2.2、以BBCT-VU估算負荷因子之等候時間 107
4.2.3、以BBCT-VU估算批量因子之等候時間 110
4.3、產能利用率最大差異設定模組之執行過程 114
4.3.1、計算月內各產品總加權提早完工時間與總加權延遲時間 114
4.3.2、兩工作站內機群利用率設定確認 116
4.3.3、兩工作站負荷互動性分析與生產計劃調整模式 116
4.4、投料規劃模組執行結果 122
4.4.1、系統每日各產品產出數量 122
4.4.2、投料規劃 123
4.4.3、系統最適在製品量 129
4.4.4、派工法則之建構 130
4.5、結果分析與比較 131
4.5.1、模擬驗證 131
4.5.2、生產週期時間估算分析 132
4.5.3、微影工作站利用率差異分析 133
4.5.4、生產週期時間成效分析 133
4.5.5、產能利用率最大差異設定模組之成效分析 134
5.1、結論 136
5.2、未來研究方向 137
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