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研究生(外文):Jia-Ho Chen
論文名稱(外文):Modal analysis of double hetero-structure photonic crystal waveguide-resonator
指導教授(外文):Po-Tsung Lee
外文關鍵詞:double hetero-structurephotonic crystalwaveguide-resonator
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隨著半導體製程技術的進步,光子晶體元件變的越來越小. 許多功能性的元件可以整合在單一晶片上,且訊號可以在光子晶體內部傳遞而不會有太大的損失.
傳統上, 訊號會由光子晶體波導的側邊輸入, 這樣的輸入信號方式對於環境的振動是相當敏感的. 只要一點微小的振動就能影響很大的光學損失.

在這篇論文中,我們嘗試改變不同的輸入信號方式. 光會由垂直的被導入共振腔內, 而我們有興趣的信號會被萃取出來且在波導內傳遞. 為此概念,我們設計了一個雙異質結構光子晶體波導共振腔.我們使用三維的有限時域差分法來分析共震模態及每個模態的品質因子. 元件已經成功的製作出來. 基本的平面及垂直放射特性已經被得到.這種元件可以當作光積體電路中光萃取元件,且具對震動具有較好的容忍度.
The sizes of photonic crystal devices become smaller with the advancement of semiconductor fabrication technology. Many functional devices can be integrated on the single chip. Signals can propagate in the photonic crystal with low optical loss. Traditionally, the signal will be side-pumped into the input waveguide, the insertion loss is sensitive to the vibration. It is easy to cause large optical loss with little vibration.

In this thesis, we try to change the pumping direction. Light will be vertically pumped into the cavity and the signal of interest will be extracted and propagates in the waveguide. For this idea, we design and fabricated the double hetero-structure photonic crystal waveguide-resonator. Three dimensional finite difference time domain method are used to analyze each resonance modes and the quality factor of them. Devices have been successfully fabricated. The basically in-plane and vertical emission have been obtained. This device can be served as light extraction device in optical integrated circuit and better tolerance of vibration.
Abstract (in Chinese) ----------------------------------Ⅰ
Abstract (in English) ----------------------------------Ⅱ
List of tables------------------------------------------Ⅴ
List of figures-----------------------------------------Ⅵ
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Introduction of photonic crystals---------------1
1.2 Photonic crystal Hetero-structure---------------5
1.3 The applications of photonic crystal hetero-structure------------------------------------------------8
1.4 Motivation and overview-----------------------11
Chapter 2 Device design and simulation results
2.1 The numerical methods used in photonic crystal simulation----------------------------------------------12
2.1.1 Maxwell equation in non-uniform dielectric medium-------------------------------------------------------------12
2.1.2 Plane Wave Expansion Method-----------------------14
2.1.3 Finite-Difference Time-Domain Method--------------16
2.2 The cavity design using selective mirror------------19
2.3 The cavity mode analysis ---------------------------23
2.3.1 Identify each cavity mode and mode profiles ------23
2.4 Quality factor analysis-----------------------------25
2.4.1 The calculation method of Quality factor and accuracy test-------------------------------------------25
2.4.2 Quality factor for each mode existed in the double hetero-structure cavity--------------------------32
2.5 Conclusion -----------------------------------------35
Chapter 3 Fabrication process for double Hetero-structure edge emitting laser .
3.1 Fabrication processes for membrane structure-----------------------------------------------36
3.2 Cad design and SEM picture--------------40
3.3 Conclusion -----------------------------43
Chapter 4 Measurement results
4.1 Measurement system----------------------------------44
4.2 Identify the lasing modes---------------------------46
4.3 The lasing characteristic of mode D in both vertical and in-plane direction----------------------------------48
4.4 Conclusion------------------------------------------51
Chapter 5 Conclusion----------------------------------52
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