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研究生(外文):Line-Hslang Hung
論文名稱(外文):The Precision Improvement and Application of Robot Based Internet 3D Measurement System
指導教授(外文):Dr.Pi-Ying Cheng
外文關鍵詞:Internet 3D Measurement SystemReversing EngineeringDot Based Curve SurfaceMeasurement Accuracy
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The main purpose of this essay is subjected to discuss how to analyze and improve the measurement accuracy of a Reverse Engineering System so as to be compliant with a system of humanity operation interface, user customized, and high precision.
With the system of a sophisticated none-contact laser linear probing head conjoined with a four axes robot arm installed in the NCTU CIDM laboratory, named as NCTU CIDM 3D robot measurement 2006(NC_3DRM2006) Model surface can be measured by a way of internet remote control.
The system turns curve surface into numerous dot data. Via editing the dot data scanning from different directions and angles on the object, a 3D curve surface model can be preliminarily construed.
In order to elevate and improve the accuracy of dot data, this assay concentrates at analyzing and deducing optimized measurement parameters through an approach of sampling and adjusting measurement conditions. The dot data model can be further modified, coordinate allocated, smoothened, and editing by using commercial software.
This essay also creates an analysis approach and software system that can be utilized to seek for an optimized measurement condition by comparison. By means of our system analysis to coordinate and geometry shape discrepancy, and the curve surface in the form of dot group data compared to cad design model, the measurement accuracy can be checked and examined for the reference of adjusting parameters. With the robot arm of this system, users may flexibly increase the number of measuring angles and distances, shorten the measuring time and furthermore elevate model reliability, geometry shape accuracy, and product competitiveness.

Key words: Internet 3D Measurement System, Reversing Engineering, Dot Based Curve Surface, Measurement Accuracy.
第1章 緒論 1
1.1. 研究動機與目的 1
1.2. 文獻回顧 5
1.2.1. 非接觸3D掃描量測原理 9
1.2.2. 點資料處理 25
1.3. 研究大綱 29
1.4. 組織架構 30
第2章 實驗硬體系統介紹 31
2.1. 非接觸式探頭的介紹 31
2.1.1. 雷射位移探頭 32
2.2. 高精度非接觸式3D線雷射掃描探頭硬體架構 34
2.3. 機械手臂Robot配置 39
第3章 系統路徑規劃 41
3.1. 系統的特性和座標轉換 41
3.2. 路徑規劃腳本 43
第4章 點資料處理和分析 47
第5章 實機驗證結果與討論 53
第6章 結論與未來展望 68
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