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研究生(外文):Su-Hsien Huang
論文名稱(外文):Metadata Architecture for Digital Library Integration
指導教授(外文):Wei-Pang YangHao-Ren Ke
外文關鍵詞:digital library integrationmetadata modeldata extractionsemantic querysemantic inference
  • 被引用被引用:2
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Metadata has been playing an essential role in integrating heterogeneous digital libraries (DL). However, conventional metadata architecture is insufficient to achieve interoperability among DL because of the heterogeneity in semantics and no structure consideration in metadata formats. This dissertation proposes novel metadata architecture called M-Architecture@DL to integrate DL seamlessly from the perspective of metadata. M-Architecture@DL follows Model-Extraction-Query (MEQ) model to obtain more permanent and explicit knowledge in the process of DL query. M-Architecture@DL contains three layers, namely metadata modeling layer, data extraction layer, and semantic query layer. The separation of M-Architecture@DL into three-layer achieves format, protocol and semantic interoperability in each layer.
Metadata modeling layer uses Metadata Modeling Language (MML) to describe real-world entities. MML adopts XML as its syntax and extends Resource Description Framework (RDF) by adding name hierarchy reference. MML provides two constructors, tuple and set constructors, to represent structures. With these two constructors, metadata can be translated by manipulating attributes of metadata with operations. In this layer, the format interoperability is achieved.
Data extraction layer collects data from distributed DL and encapsulates result into MML metadata. Data from DL services with similar structure can be extracted into metadata automatically by means of the common structure. In the process of extraction, the first step is to assign level ID for the sample document and determine the common part to be extracted. Then an extraction algorithm called Metadata Extractor is implemented to extract the documents according to the common structure. This layer provides a transparent way without prearrangement with distributed DLs and saves much effort to collect information through the HTTP protocol. Therefore, the protocol interoperability is achieved.
Semantic query layer retrieves metadata semantically by adding relationships in query statements. A Content and Service Inference Model (CSIM) is proposed to derive 15 relationships from two essential aspects of DL: content and services. The 15 structural relationships create operations to manipulate metadata in a query predicate and facilitate a query with as much semantics. Both content and service queries are presented to derive more semantic answers in a DL search. In this layer, the semantic interoperability is achieved.
Experiments are conducted and indicate that M-Architecture@DL has excellent performance in DL integration. The experiment results have shown that both accuracy and coverage are improved to a conventional keyword-based approach. Adopting M-Architecture@DL can alleviate the administrative load. When developing novel DL services, such as library resource planning and virtual union catalog system, librarians are recommended with alternative answers to combine existent DL components. The reuse of DL services and metadata is the future trend in DL integration.
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Related work 3
1.2.1 Digital library architecture 3
1.2.2 Metadata model 4
1.2.3 Metadata architecture 5
1.3 Goal 6
Chapter 2 Digital Library Integration Architecture 8
2.1 Conceptualization 8
2.2 Scenario 9
2.3 M-Architecture@DL 10
Chapter 3 Metadata Modeling 13
3.1 Data model 14
3.2 Structure expression 17
3.3 Translation service 18
3.4 Implementation (Metadata Modeling Language – MML) 19
3.5 Comparison 24
Chapter 4 Data Extraction 25
4.1 Structure hierarchy 25
4.1.1 Level-ID assignment 27
4.1.2 Auxiliary table 28
4.2 Common structure 30
4.3 Implementation 30
4.3.1 Pre-processing phase 31
4.3.2 Structure labeling phase 32
4.3.3 Data extraction phase 33
Chapter 5 Semantic Query 35
5.1 Content and service inference model (CSIM) 36
5.1.1 Relationships between content and services 36
5.1.2 Basic definitions 38
5.1.3 Definitions of content and service relationships 40
5.1.4 Manipulating operations 42
5.2. Semantic digital library query 46
5.2.1 Query language 46
5.2.2 EXACT and AMBIGUOUS query 47
5.2.3 Ranking function 51
5.3 Implementation 53
Chapter 6 Experiments 55
6.1 Experimental set-up and approach 55
6.2 Experimental metrics 56
6.3 Experiment results 58
Chapter 7 Concluding Remarks 62
Bibliography 66
Appendix 73
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