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研究生(外文):An-Kai Jeng
論文名稱(外文):Adaptive Topology Control in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
指導教授(外文):Rong-Hong Jan
外文關鍵詞:Mobile Ad Hoc NetworkTopolgoy ControlDistributed AlgorithmEnergy-Efficient
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The wireless ad hoc network is convenient to many applications, such as conferences, hospitals, battlefields, and etc. In these environments, the network performance heavily relies on the underlying topology. Especially, keeping the topology sparser enhances network scalability. However, a sparse topology may sacrifice some routes that consume less power. Therefore, a tradeoff is between the sparseness and the energy efficiency of the topology.
In this dissertation, we propose a geometric structure, named the r-neighborhood graph, to control the topology. The structure allows the flexibility to be adjusted between energy efficiency and node’s degree through a parameter r, 0 �T r �T 1. Theoretic results show that it can always result in a connected planar topology with symmetric edges. More importantly, the structure can be constructed in localized fashion using only 1-hop information.
To cope with node’s mobility, we investigate an adaptive protocol, based on a generalized version of the r-neighborhood graph. In this protocol, the parameter r can be adjusted distributively by each node according to the overall energy efficiency. To reduce the construction power, we further incorporate the protocol with a shrinking power mechanism for the topology maintenance. Simulation and numeric results show that the proposed approaches can significantly improve the energy consumption, especially in high mobility environment.
Abstract (in Chinese)...................................i
Abstract (in English)...................................ii
List of Tables..........................................vi
List of Figures.........................................vii
1 Introduction..........................................1
2 Netowrk Model and Related Works.......................7
2.1 Network Model.......................................7
2.2 Staionary Topolgoy Control..........................9
2.3 Mobile Topology Control.............................14
3 Graphic Structures....................................17
3.1 r-Neighborhood Graph................................17
3.2 Extended r-Neighborhood Graph.......................26
3.3 (r,alpha)-Neighborhood Graph........................33
3.4 (r,alpha)-Enclosed Graph............................35
3.5 (fr,alpha)-Neighborhood Graph.......................39
4 Energy-Efficient Construction.........................41
4.1 Localized Algorithm.................................41
4.2 Shrinking Power Mechanism...........................48
4.3 Neighborhood Graph Based Topology Control Protocol..51
4.4 Convergency.........................................54
5 Mobile Topology Control Protocol......................57
5.1 Extending on Shrinking Power mechanism..............57
5.2 Adaptive Mobile Topology Control Protocol...........58
5.3 Efficient Calculation and Time Complexity...........62
6 Experiments...........................................65
6.1 Evaluations on Graph Structures.....................65
6.2 Evaluations on Shrinking Power Mechanisms...........69
6.3 Evaluations on the Mobile Protocol..................70
7 Conclusion............................................73
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