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研究生(外文):Chih-Pei Lee
論文名稱(外文):Using Heuristic Algorithm to Construct a Production Planning System in Wafer Foundry Industry
指導教授(外文):Ruey-Shun Chen
外文關鍵詞:Wafer FoundryProduction PlanningHeuristic AlgorithmProduction SchedulingCapacity Constraint
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In Taiwan, the scale of the customers of small and medium-sized wafer foundry companies are small. The characters of their orders are large number but less volume. Their reactions to the boom are very fast. The actions of delivering urgent orders and canceling orders are as usual. Base on the above reasons, the flexibility and reacting capability of the production planning of the foundry companies are more important.
The research combines two heuristic algorithms, COMSOAL and Priority rule-based algorithm, to design a production scheduling algorithm. Meanwhile it refers to dispatching rule and wafer start rule. Also base on the requirements and characters of wafer foundry companies, it designs proper capacity constraint model and wafer start rule to construct production planning system. Using simple, fast and flexible methods to generate reasonable and feasible production plans.
The result of the research has several contributions. First, it shortens the execution time of generating a production plan. Second, the resolution of production plan is raised from the summary of manufacturing process and product type to full product name of order and demand allocation. It improves the resolution and accuracy of information analysis. Third, the planning period of wafer start plan is improved from monthly to daily. Last, the frequency of production planning is improved from once a fortnight to once a week. The time interval is shortened. It lets the production plan can timely react to the change of demand and production status and provides the right information for the references and decision of high managements.
摘要 I
誌謝 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 VII
第一章、緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機 2
1.3 研究目的 3
1.4 研究步驟與論文架構 4
第二章、文獻探討 6
2.1 半導體晶圓製造生產作業 6
2.1.1 半導體製程 6
2.1.2 生產週期時間 11
2.2 生產規劃作業 13
2.2.1 多層式生產規劃 14
2.2.2 產能模型 15
2.2.3 派工法則 16
2.2.4 晶圓投片法則 17
2.3 啟發式演算法 18
2.3.1 組合生產線循序作業電腦方法 19
2.3.2 優先權規則為基礎的演算法 22
第三章、企業生產規劃問題與分析 26
3.1 生產規劃作業流程 26
3.2 問題定義與分析 28
第四章、系統模型及演算法設計 32
4.1生產規劃流程設計 32
4.2產能限制及製造路徑模型 32
4.2.1 產能及製造路徑模型 33
4.2.2 投片限制 34
4.2.3 產出限制 36
4.3生產規劃參數 37
4.3.1 生產週期時間 37
4.3.2 均勻投片配置規則 38
4.4生產規劃演算法 39
4.4.1需求排程順序規則 39
4.4.2生產排程演算法 43
第五章、系統實作及分析 56
5.1系統架構與流程 57
5.2系統功能實作 60
5.2.1產能限制參數設定介面 60
5.2.2 生產規劃參數設定介面 61
5.2.3 外部資料載入與處理模組 61
5.2.4 生產排程引擎模組 62
5.2.5 生產計畫與報表處理模組 65
5.3 實驗測試分析 66
5.3.1測試資料來源與實驗設計 66
5.3.2實驗結果分析 69
5.4效益分析 71
5.4.1縮短生產規劃作業時間 72
5.4.2提昇生產規劃之精細度 73
5.4.3增加生產規劃投片期間 74
5.4.4提高生產規劃作業頻率 75
第六章、結論與未來研究方向 76
6.1結論 76
6.2未來研究方向 77
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