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研究生(外文):Liang Chin-Chang
論文名稱(外文):Applying Block Queue On Airport Departure Flight Management
指導教授(外文):Hsu Chaug-Ing
外文關鍵詞:Departure FlightsBlock QueueFuel Cost
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With the fuel price soaring in the past years, it not only increases airlines’ expenditure of fuel, but also aggravates the operation condition of airline industry. Therefore, how to ease airlines’ financial difficulty by fuel-saving has become an import issue. In addition, most past studies about departure flight delay has proved the application of ground holding policy, but seldom concerned the assignment policy of departure flights in congestion airport according to the fuel consumption of aircrafts. The congestion situation and the operational status of aircrafts waiting at terminal apron and holding pad are similar as the block queue of cars waiting for service in the slow moving system by Dougherty (1997). Therefore this study aims to combine block queue concept and fuel-saving concept to formulate models on analyzing assignment policy for departure flights of the congested airport.
The aims of this study are to develop an aircraft assignment model based on the concept of block-queuing proposed by Dougherty (1997), so as to minimize departure flights’ fuel cost in a congestion airport, and compare the difference of delay cost between block-queuing assignment and consecutive assignment. The study derives the time of each departure flight from apron to holding pad based on Air Traffic Control Rule assigning departure flights consecutively, and calculates the fuel cost of each flight due to taxing and waiting for departure. The study then explores the block-queuing conditions of departure flights according to the connective relations of flights’ departure time to construct a block-queuing assignment model with considerations of various situations and decide whether a departure flight should wait at terminal apron or holding pad. Furthermore, the study formulates delay cost functions with respect to passengers, airline and airport operators.
The study collects data about the schedule of departure/arrival flights and the delay of departure flights in C.K.S International Airport to demonstrate the application of the model. The results show that block-queuing assignment method significantly reduces more fuel cost as compared with consecutive assignment method. It may increase the fuel-saving efficiency, while reduce airport operators’ cost due to an idle runway and passengers’ cost caused by delay in the congestion airport. Furthermore, the fuel price is shown to have significantly impacts on the assignment policy.
中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
目 錄 iii
圖目錄 v
表目錄 vi
符號說明 vii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 3
1.3 研究範圍 4
1.4 研究流程與架構 6
第二章 文獻回顧 9
2.1 區塊等候之應用 9
2.2 流量管理之研究 12
2.3 航空延滯分析 13
2.4 機門指派之研究 15
2.5 航機移動及其相關研究 16
2.6 空側相關研究 17
第三章 區塊等候下航機起飛過程之模擬 21
3.1 連續指派之航機燃油損耗 21
3.2 降落航班的影響 23
3.3 延滯擴散衍生之起飛延滯航班 25
3.4 區塊等候下航機於空側地面之移動 27
3.5 區塊等候下,起飛延滯航機抵達跑道後,進入跑道時間之估算 32
3.6 區塊等候下,起飛航機空側移動之模擬 36
3.7 成本函數構建 39
第四章、範例分析 42
4.1 基本參變數設定 42
4.2範例說明 43
4.3 機場管理單位連續指派之分析 46
4.3.1 連續指派下航機移動情況 46
4.3.2 連續指派下航機燃油成本 53
4.3.3 連續指派下後續航班機門停靠時間之分析 57
4.4 區塊等候下航機燃油損耗 61
4.4.1 區塊等候下航機移動情況 61
4.4.2區塊等候下航機燃油成本及衍生成本 74
4.5 敏感度分析-延長機場關閉時長 79
第五章 結論與建議 84
5.1 結論 84
5.2 建議 85
參考文獻 86
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