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研究生(外文):Yu-Jie Liao
論文名稱(外文):A Metaheuristic Using BATA and GENIUS for Vehicle Routing Problems
指導教授(外文):Anthony Fu-Wha Han
外文關鍵詞:Vehicle Routing ProblemGENIUSBATA
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可回溯式門檻接受法(Backtracking Adaptive Threshold Accepting, BATA)是由Tarantilis et al. [38]於2001年提出,它是從門檻接受法演變而來的新型巨集啟發式解法。其主要差異在於門檻值變化並非單調遞減;當找不到可接受的交換時,可允許放鬆門檻值再重新搜尋。本研究以此方法作為基本架構,並與一般化插入/解繫法(GENIUS)和其他傳統鄰域搜尋法相結合,來求解VRP問題,以探討其求解績效。本研究之求解架構包含起始解模組、鄰域搜尋模組和可回溯式門檻接受模組三個部份。並以Christofides et al. [8]的14題國際標竿題庫作為績效評估的測試例題。
本研究首先以循序式的一般化插入法(GENI)產生起始解,再以鄰域搜尋模組改進,其方法共包括解繫法(US)、1-1、2-Opt和Or-Opt等數種。並且以巨網結構的方式建構路線,使其能同時考慮「路線內」與「路線間」的交換。同時,本研究設計了一個能夠擴大解繫法鄰域搜尋範圍機制(Expanded US),以提高解繫法的搜尋績效。而本研究以C#語言撰寫程式,並在Pentium(R) 4,CPU為3.00GHz的個人電腦測試可回溯式門檻接受模組。結果顯示,傳統上BATA的設定,即門檻回溯比值b<1時,在起始門檻比率0.01、門檻下降比率0.9,以及門檻數列長度180的情況下,14題標竿題目的平均誤差可為1.2%。另外,本研究亦發現,若突破傳統BATA限制,而設定門檻回溯比值b>1時,在起始門檻比率0.02附近的範圍,門檻下降比率0.9以上附近的範圍,以及門檻數列長度180的情況下,可找到更佳的結果,其中最低的14題標竿題目平均誤差更降低至0.87%。表示此種更為放鬆的設計可能可以找到較佳的解。
Backtracking Adaptive Threshold Accepting (BATA) was first introduced by Tarantilis et al. in 2001 for the distribution of perishable goods. This algorithm is similar to Threshold Accepting (TA) but the values of threshold are lowered or raised, depending on if an acceptable solution can be found in a fixed number of iterations. This research used a BATA structure embedded with GENIUS and other traditional exchange methods for solving the Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP). And the 14 classic instances described by Christofides et al. were selected for the evaluation of our method.
The first phase of our proposed metaheuristic is the following. A feasible initial solution was generated by a sequential GENI, and then improved by neighborhood search methods such as US, 1-1, 2-Opt, Or-Opt. Since we presented the solution as a giant tour, both the inter-route and intra-route improvements were considered simultaneously. We also proposed a mechanism named “Expanded US” to enhance the performance of US.
In the second phase, we applied BATA to further improve the giant-tour solution. We coded our metaheuristic method in C# and implemented all experiments on a Pentium 4, 3.00GHz personal computer. Results showed that the average deviation of 14 benchmark instances can be 1.2% using traditional BATA parameter b<1. We also tested the case of the threshold backtracking factor b>1 and found that this change could lead to even better results. The average of deviation of the 14 benchmark instances can be reduced to 0.87%. Overall, compared with the recent literatures, among the 14 instances, we found 7 best-known solutions and the average deviation is merely 0.26%. The average computer time is about 50 seconds which demonstrated the efficiency and potential applicability of our proposed method.
中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
誌 謝 iii
目 錄 iv
表 目 錄 vi
圖 目 錄 vii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機與目的 1
1.2 研究內容與範圍 1
1.3 研究方法與流程 2
第二章 文獻回顧 4
2.1 車輛路線問題 4
2.2 啟發式解法回顧 5
2.2.1 傳統的啟發式解法 6
2.2.2 一般化插入法與解繫法(GENIUS) 9
2.2.3 巨集啟發式解法 13
2.3 可回溯式門檻接受法 16
2.4 小結 17
第三章 起始解與鄰域搜尋法構建 18
3.1 起始解產生:一般化插入法(GENI) 18
3.2 鄰域搜尋模組之設計 18
3.2.1 於巨網結構下(Giant Tour)下執行鄰域搜尋 18
3.2.2 擴大解繫法(US)鄰域搜尋範圍之設計 20
第四章 BATA應用於VRP之設計與測試 21
4.1 BATA與GENIUS結合之設計 21
4.1.1 門檻值回溯幅度之探討 21
4.1.2 執行架構說明 22
4.2 測試例題說明 24
4.3 測試結果之整理與分析 25
4.3.1 實驗設計 25
4.3.2 起始解測試 25
4.3.3 鄰域搜尋模組測試 26
4.3.4 可回溯式門檻接受模組測試 29
4.4 演算法績效比較與分析 35
第五章 結論與建議 37
5.1 結論 37
5.2 建議 37
參考文獻 38
附 錄 最佳個案結果與路線圖 42
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