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研究生(外文):Wen-Hao Ching
論文名稱(外文):Design and Fabrication of High Performance Sound-Localized Microphone Using Oxalis-like Sensing Diaphragm
指導教授(外文):Yu-Ting Cheng
外文關鍵詞:Biomimetic microphoneOrmia OchraceaMEMSSound source localizationOxalissingle chip process
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科學家發現中文學名為奧米亞棕�貌瘍汁掛鼎x可經由一種獨特的橋型結構將振膜相互連接來定位出微小的聲音梯度。在此篇論文中,我們利用中央平衡環支撐式圓形結構並且模仿酢漿草的結構,提出了一個全新發展的微機械仿生物式麥克風。這種仿酢漿草的振膜能夠經由減少感測振膜之間的交互影響來改善其位移量,並且能夠利用中央平衡環結構的最佳化設計來提升音源定位的能力。此外,相較於中央平衡環支撐式圓形振膜的設計,仿酢漿草的設計可提供3.7倍大的淨位移量,而且,仿酢漿草的振膜能表現出小於10度的空間分辨率。文中所有的設計與模擬是利用有限元素分析法的模擬軟體ANSYS來完成的。最後利用標準的MUMPs ( Multi-User MEMS Precesses )製程以及表面微加工技術製作出單一晶片的仿生物式麥克風。
Researchers found the Ormia Ochracea’s auditory organ can locate a small sound gradient via a unique intertympanal bridge structure. In this thesis, we propose a newly developed micromachined biomimetic microphone by utilizing the central gimbals-support circular structure [5-8], and mimicking the structure of the oxalis. The oxalis-like diaphragm can not only improve the displacement by decoupling the sensing diaphragm but also enhance the capability of sound source localization with the optimum design of the central gimbals structure. Moreover, the net displacement of the diaphragm with the oxalis-like design has 3.7 times larger than that of the diaphragm with the central gimbals-support circular diaphragm design, and the oxalis-like diaphragm performs the spatial resolution with opening angle smaller than 10 degrees. The design and FEM simulation are analyzed by ANSYS simulator. The process of the single-wafer biomimetic microphone is fabricated by the standard Multi-User MEMS Processes (MUMPs) with three poly-silicon layers and two sacrificial layers.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
Acknowledgments iii
誌謝 iv
Contents v
Figure Captions vi

Chapter 1 Introduction 1
Chapter 2 Design and Analysis 4
2.1 Design Concept of the Biomimetic Microphone 4
2.2 Finite Element Analysis 8
2.3 Fabrication Process of the Biomimetic Microphone 13
Chapter 3 Results and Discussions 15
3.1 Result of the Optimum Design 15
3.2 Influence of the Serpentine Spring 16
3.3 Scanning Electro Microscope (SEM) Photographs 18
3.4 The Vibration Mode 19
Chapter 4 Summary and Future Work 21
4.1 Summary 21
4.2 Future Work 21
References 22

Figure Captions
Chapter 2
Fig. 2-1 A picture of the three leaves oxalis 4
Fig. 2-2 The design of the oxalis-like sensing diaphragm 5
Fig. 2-3 A schematic of the boundary condition with a pressure load applied at 0° in the ANSYS 7
Fig. 2-4 (a), (b) and (c) show the polar patterns of the net, ipsilateral, and contralateral displacement with Ono’s design (blue line) and 4 leaves oxalis-like diaphragms (red line) 8
Fig. 2-5 The net displacement of the Ono’s design with 3 inner and 3 outer beams The maximum displacement is about 0.737μm 10
Fig. 2-6 The net displacement of the Ono’s design with 4 inner and 4 outer beams The maximum displacement is about 0.491μm. 11
Fig. 2-7 An optimum oxalis-like diaphragm with 6 inner and 6 outer supporting beams and each beam is 10μm wide and 65μm long. The thickness of sensing diaphragm is 5μm. 12
Fig. 2-8 Process flow of the biomimetic microphone 14

Chapter 3
Fig. 3-1 The analysis results of the proposed optimum oxalis-like biomimetic microphone 15
Fig. 3-2 The relation between the springs and beams 16
Fig. 3-3 Comparison the radius of the ring 17
Fig. 3-4 (a), (b), and (c) show the Scanning Electro Microscope (SEM) photographs 18
Fig. 3-5 (a), (b) and (c) show in-phase, y-axis and x-axis reversed-phase modes and their resonant frequencies 20
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2.R. N. Miles, D. Robert, and R. R. Hoy, “Mechanically coupled ears for directional hearing in the parasitoid fly Ormia ochracea,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am, Vol. 98, No. 6, pp. 3059-3070, Dec. 1995.
3.Kyutae Yoo, J.-L. A. Yeh, N. C. Tien, C. Gibbons, Q. Su, W. Cui, and R. N. Miles, “Fabrication of a Biomimetic Corrugated Polysilicon Diaphragm with Attached Single Crystal Silicon Proof Masses,” Solid-State Sensors and Actuators, Transducers’01, pp. 130-133, Jun. 2001.
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6.Akihito Saito, Nobutaka Ono, and Shigeru Ando, “Micro Gimbal Diaphragm for Sound Source Localization with Mimicking Ormia Ochracea,” SICE, Vol. 4, pp. 2159-2162, Aug. 2002.
7.Nobutaka Ono, Akihito Saito, and Shigeru Ando, “Design and Experiments of Bio-mimicry Sound Source Localization Sensor with Gimbal-Supported Circular Diaphragm,” Solid-State Sensors and Actuators, Transducers’03, pp. 939-942, Jun. 2003.
8.Nobutaka Ono, Akihito Saito, and Shigeru Ando, “Bio-mimicry Sound Source Localization with Gimbal Diaphragm,” T.IEE Japan, Vol. 123-E, No. 3, pp. 90-97, Mar. 2003.
9.N. Ono, T. Arita, Y. Senjo, and S. Ando, “Directivity Steering Principle for Biomimicry Silicon Microphone,” Solid-State Sensors and Actuators, Transducers’05, pp. 792-795, Jun. 2005.
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12.ANSYS, http://www.ansys.com/ 9.0 version
13.Roy R. Craig, Jr. Mechanics of Materials, 2nd New York: Wiley, 1999
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