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研究生(外文):Yu-Wen Huang
論文名稱(外文):Synthesis and Device Fabrication of Cu/Ni Nanocomposite for Low Power Magnetic Microactuation
指導教授(外文):Y.T. Cheng
外文關鍵詞:electroplated Cu/Ni magnetic nanocompositemicrospeaker
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先前已經發表過在鎳基材中攙入二氧化矽、鑽石、碳管等奈米微粒來改變鎳金屬的機、電性質。同時我們也發表過在銅基材中攙入磁性粉末來使原本表現為逆磁的銅基材轉變為鐵磁性的銅-CoFe2O4奈米複合材料。在本論文中,我們將粒徑25~50nm的奈米鎳粉末以電鍍的方式將其鍍入於銅基材中,並將此複合材料薄膜應用於電磁微致動元件上,來達到降低功率損耗的目的。超導量子干涉儀量測的結果指出,銅-鎳奈米複合薄膜的磁性特性由逆磁性物質轉變為鐵磁性物質。同時藉由Maxwell Wegner方程式可得知,鍍入導電性奈米鎳材料所製出的複合薄膜將較於鍍入其他氧化鐵磁性粉末的薄膜會有較低的電阻值。因此本銅-鎳複合材料適合應用於電磁微致動元件及其他相關電流-磁場等元件上。將每公升鍍液中攙入2克的鎳奈米粉末所鍍出的薄膜應用於電磁微致動元件上,經由白光干涉儀量測結果發現,將可減少9%的功率損耗於電磁微致動元件。
A Cu/Ni nanocomposite film and related CMOS compatible processes using alkaline noncyanide based copper plating solution have been successfully synthesized, characterized and proposed for low power micropseaker fabrication in this paper. The SQUID (Superconducting Quantum Interference Device Magnetometer) measurement indicates that magnetic properties of Cu can be modified from diamagnetism to ferromagnetism via the incorporation of Ni superparamagnetic nanoparticles into a Cu matrix to form the Cu/Ni nanocomposite film which is plated in the bath with 2g/L Ni. Without largely sacrificing the reduction of electrical conductivity of Cu (<2%), the Ni nanocomposite material shows its potential for the fabrication of high performance magnetic microactuation due to the effective reductions of power consumption of magnetic microactuation. Experimental results show that the total power consumption of magnetic microactuation will save 9% at 1 KHz, 60dB SPL.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
Acknowledgments iii
Contents iv
Figure Captions vi
Table Captions viii

Chapter 1 Introduction 1
Chapter 2 Design concept and Synthesis of Cu/Ni nanocomposite 4
2.1 The Conductivity of the Nanocomposite 4
2.2 The Saturated Magnetization of the Nanocomposite 5
2.3 The Process to Disperse the Ni Nanopowder and Plating Solution Preparation 8
2.4 The Measurement of the Cu/Ni Nanocomposite Film 10
2.4.1 The SEM Photograph 11
2.4.2 The EDS Diagram 11
2.4.3 The AFM Analysis 13
2.4.4 The White Light Interferometer Analysis 14
2.4.5 The SQUID Measurement 15

Chapter 3 Magnetic Microactuator Design and Fabrication 17
3.1 Introduction of the microactuator 17
3.2 The Design Concept of the Microactuator 18
3.3 Fabrication Process of the Microactuator 20
3.4 Results and Discussions of the Microactuator 22
3.4.1The Optical Microscopic Photograph 22
3.4.2The Displacement Analysis of the Microactuator 22
3.4.3Sound Pressure Level Simulation 24
3.4.4The power saving ratio 25
Chapter 4 Conclusion and Future Work 27
4.1 Conclusion 27
4.2 Future Work 27
References 31

Figure Captions
Chapter 1
Fig. 1-1 Shows a general scheme of magnetic actuation 2
Chapter 2
Fig. 2-1 Estimated resisitivity versus the concentration of incorporated nano particles, which are CoFe2O4 and Ni, respectively 5
Fig. 2-2 Pure alkaline noncyanide copper electroplating solution 9
Fig. 2-3 Alkaline noncyanide copper plating solution with Ni particles 9
Fig. 2-4 The equipments setup of electroplating for Cu-Ni nanocomposites
A: anode. B: cathode. C: Ni particle 10
Fig. 2-5 The SEM image of the Cu/Ni nanocompasite film surface 11
Fig. 2-6 The EDS analysis spectrum (the electroplating solution is 8.5 g/L) ,
the embedded fraction is 3.56%. 12
Fig. 2-7 The EDS analysis spectrum (the electroplating solution is 5 g/L) ,
the embedded fraction is 2.18% 12
Fig. 2-8 The AFM 2D image of the Cu-Ni film 13
Fig. 2-9 The AFM 3D image of the Cu-Ni film 13
Fig. 2-10 The white light interferometer image of the pure copper film 14
Fig. 2-11 The white light interferometer image of the Cu/Ni composite film 14
Fig. 2-12 The SQUID analysis of the different mechanical stirring speed of the Cu/Ni nanocomposite film (a) Blue line case, the electroplating solution in static state. (b) Pink line case, the electroplating solution stirs at 120rpm 15
Chapter 3
Fig. 3-1 The schematic view of the microactuator 18
Fig. 3-2 The process flow for microactuator fabrication (a) thermal oxidation and low stress nitride deposition, (b) backside etching Si, (c) coating SU8 film, (d) Cu-Ni nanocomposite coil electroplating, (e)permalloy deposition (appendix), (f) hard magnet mount and (g) wafer and PCB board glued together. 21
Fig. 3-3 Figure 3-3.The optical microscopic photograph 22
Fig. 3-4 The operation of the white light interferometer 23
Fig. 3-5 The displacement of the microactuator membrane of pure and Cu/Ni nanocomposite film by white light interferometer. Point1 is the measured point and point 2 is the reference point 23
Fig. 3-6 Simulate of the deformation of the microactuator diaphragm and sound pressure level by ANSYS simulator 25
Fig. 3-7 Measurement of the displacement of pure copper and Cu/Ni nanocomposite coil 25
Fig. 1 The SEM image of the NiFe alloy electroplating, (a) at 10-2A/cm2, (b) at 2*10-2A/cm2, (c) at 4*10-2A/cm2, (d) at 6*10-2A/cm2, (e) at 8*10-2A/cm2 29
Fig. 2 The EDS analysis of the NiFe alloy electroplating in our design.
The fraction of Fe in the NiFe alloy is 20.85% (at 10-2A/cm2) 30
Fig. 3 The hysteresis loops of the NiFe alloy electroplating in our design.
(At 10-2A/cm2) 30

Table Captions
Chapter 3
Table3-1 Three operation types of the microspeaker 17
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