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研究生(外文):Zong-Lin Wu
論文名稱(外文):A dual-bandpass filter using via-hole-wall waveguide
指導教授(外文):Ruey-Bing Hwang
中文關鍵詞:dual-badnpass filterhigher harmonics
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In this thesis, we proposed a planar dual-bandpass filter with bend design. With this bend structure, the higher harmonics response of the proposed dual-bandpass filter can have a suppression of nearly -30dB; meanwhile, the first and the second pass-band specifications remain unchanged. Besides, we found that the second pass-band frequency is tunable by adjusting the length of each cavity. In order to demonstrate the proposed filter performance, four filters with different cavity length were implemented on a low-loss dielectric substrate. In addition to changing the length of each cavity, we changed the aperture length to observe the variation of pass-band bandwidth. From the simulated and measured results, the proposed filter obtains more than -25 dB suppression in average. The measurement shows a very good agreement with simulation.
Chinese Abstract Ⅰ
English Abstract Ⅱ
Acknowledgements Ⅲ
Contents Ⅳ
List of Figures Ⅴ
Chapter I Introduction 1
Chapter Ⅱ Structure configuration and fabrication
process 3
Chapter Ⅲ The numerical and experimental results 6
Chapter Ⅳ Conclusion 36
Bibliography 38
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