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研究生(外文):Hong-Yan Lee
論文名稱(外文):Pitch Detection with Tone Model and Tone Recognition in Mandarin Speech
指導教授(外文):Sin-Horng Chen
外文關鍵詞:pitchtone recognition
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In this thesis, a new model-based pitch tracking scheme is proposed. It tracks pitch and recognizes tones simultaneously using a statistical prosody model of Mandarin speech. With the guide of the prosody model, the pitch tracking can be more reliable so as to reduce both half pitch error and double pitch error. Experimental results showed that the gross pitch error (GPE) of pitch detection was reduced from 1.121% to 0.918% by using the proposed pitch estimation scheme. Both half and double pitch error rates were also reduced. Meanwhile, a tone recognition rate of 70% was achieved.
中文摘要 I
英文摘要 II
誌謝 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 VIII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 研究方向 2
1.3 章節概要 2
第二章 以抽取瞬時頻率方式求取基頻 3
2.1瞬時頻率 3
2.2瞬時頻譜 7
2.3利用瞬時頻譜產生基頻值候選者 8
2.3.1轉換函式 9
2.3.2基頻判斷曲線 11
2.3.3從基頻判斷曲線中產生基頻值候選者 19
第三章 中文聲調辨認與基頻軌跡建立 22
3.1 國語聲調的特性 22
3.2聲調模型與韻律模型建立 25
3.3聲調模型與韻律模型之訓練 27
2.3.1初始化模型 29
2.3.2模型訓練流程 30
3.4整合聲調辨認與基頻軌跡建立 38
3.4.1以音節為單位建立音節基頻軌跡候選者 38
3.4.2聲調辨認與基頻軌跡搜尋 41
第四章 實驗結果與分析 46
4.1 使用語料 46
4.2參數微調 47
4.3音節間及音框間之基頻值平均值的比較 52
4.3.1音節間基頻平均值的比較( ) 52
4.3.2音框間基頻值的比較( ) 53
4.4 連續語音聲調辨認 55
第五章 結論與展望 61
5.1 結論 61
5.2 未來之展望 61
參考文獻 62
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Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ICASSP.2005.1415254
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[8] Chen-Yu Chiang, Yih-Ru Wang and Sin-Horng Chen, “On the Inter-syllable Coarticulation Effect of Pitch Modeling for Mandarin Speech,” In INTERSPEECH-2005, 3269-3272.
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