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研究生(外文):Shin-Chang Chen
論文名稱(外文):Decoupling Techniques for Increasing the Isolation Between Two Nearby Antennas for Wireless Communication Applications
指導教授(外文):Shyh-Jong Chung
  • 被引用被引用:3
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本論文中提出兩個方法可達到去耦合之效果。第一個方法使用一組去耦合網路與一組匹配網路來達成高隔離度的效果,且天線的輻射場型亦具有指向性的功能,我們可以利用ABCD矩陣、S參數、Y矩陣、Z矩陣來分析這個架構的特性。第二個方法利用枝幹耦合器(branch line coupler) 使天線之耦合度與反射係數互換來達成高隔離度的效果,再利用一組匹配網路即可達成高隔離度之天線設計,此天線之輻射場型亦具有指向性的功能,我們可以利用天線陣列因子(Antenna Factor)來解釋輻射場型的指向性,模擬與量測的結果也都符合規格所要求。
In this study, we will introduce two methods of decoupling design. At the first method, it is composed of the decoupling network and the matching network, and the radiation pattern with function of pattern diversity. We were using the ABCD matrix, the S parameter, the Y matrix and the Z matrix to analyze the characteristic of this structure. At the second method, we were using the branch line coupler to exchange the coupled and the return loss so the high isolation antenna will be manufacture. Also, this type antenna has the radiation pattern with function of pattern diversity. We using the antenna factor to explain the diversity of the radiation pattern, the simulated and the measured results almost conform to the specifications.

第一章 導論.........................................................1
第二章 單極天線與八木天線的基本原理.................................3
2.1 單極天線...................................................3
2.2 八木天線...................................................7
第三章 高隔離雙天線的消除耦合網路設計
3.1 三埠網路之原理與特性......................................10
3.2 去耦合電路設計原理........................................12
3.2.1 阻抗匹配消除耦合法...................................12
3.2.2 散射係數交換法.......................................14
3.2.3 匹配網路設計.........................................16
第四章 實現高隔離度的雙天線.....................................17
4.1 高隔離度的雙天線使用阻抗匹配消除耦合法.....................17
4.1.1 高隔離度雙天線模擬與量測 (原形) .....................17
4.1.2 高隔離度雙天線模擬與量測 (縮小化) ...................24
4.2 高隔離度的雙天線使用散射係數交換法........................25
4.2.1 高隔離度雙天線模擬與量測 (原形) .....................30
4.2.2 高隔離度雙天線模擬與量測 (縮小化) ..........36
第五章 結論...........................................45
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