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研究生(外文):Hsueh-Chuan Yen
論文名稱(外文):A Viable Systems Model Perspective of Knowledge Management Systems
指導教授(外文):Chyan Yang
外文關鍵詞:Knowledge managementViable systems model (VSM)Systems viewKnowledge structure
  • 被引用被引用:5
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The strategic use of knowledge management (KM) for retaining competitive advantage is well recognized. However, controversy exists regarding how to use KM to enhance competitiveness. According to prior research, KM processes, tools, and methodologies are not universally appropriate relating to various organizational contexts. KM should align with organizational goals for developing an advantage over competitors. Organizational goals were accomplished through tasks design. To clarify the required knowledge capabilities, one needs a macro framework to investigate the role and mission among various organizational components as a whole. While the traditional orthodox organizational structure is inadequate for knowledge-based organization, a new organic organization structure that encourages effective and efficient communication is required to foster knowledge creation and sharing. Systems thinking provides a new sight to design a new organic organization. In the systems approach that satisfies the tenets of systems thinking, Viable Systems Model (VSM) is about organizational effectiveness. The central thesis of VSM is self-organization and self-regulation, actualized by autonomous management and consciousness adaptation ability. The regulatory mechanism of VSM provided a theoretical basis for designing the structure, process, and function of organizational tasks that integrate knowledge into organizational value. This study proposed a viable systems framework for organizational knowledge management based on the VSM of Beer. Using the viable systems framework, organizational knowledge can be classified into four categories: constructive, bureaucratic, entrepreneurial, and transactive. Knowledge content was articulated based on the systems view. Thus, knowledge structure of various management hierarchies can be captured. The result contributes to the practice of knowledge executive by supporting the diagnosis and design of an effective knowledge-based organization. The framework also provides a basis for future empirical studies on the relationships between KM strategies and organizational effectiveness. A specific KM strategy exists that can maximize the effectiveness of each of the four types of knowledge. The implications of the framework with contemporary KM subjects are also discussed.
目 錄
摘 要 i
誌謝 iv
目錄 v
表目錄 vii
圖目錄 viii
一、緒論 1
1.1 研究動機與背景 1
1.2 研究目的 4
1.3研究流程 5
1.4研究方法 6
1.5 論文架構 8

二、文獻回顧 9
2.1近代知識論的探討 9
2.2 Polanyi「個人知識」的探討 14
2.3知識管理在組織管理領域的探討 18

三、可維生系統模型之理論內涵 29
3.1 人體神經系統 29
3.2 可維生系統組織模型 33
3.3變異在可維生系統模型中的意涵 43
3.4可維生系統模型在兩構面知識管理旋迴之新意涵 47

四、知識管理系統架構 48
4.1 以可維生系統模型為理論基礎之知識管理系統架構 48
4.2 自覺性調適功能之知識管理系統 52
4.2.1自覺性調適功能之知識管理系統架構 52
4.2.2自覺性調適功能之知識管理系統實務 54
4.3自主性管理功能之知識管理系統 56
4.3.1自主性管理功能之知識管理系統架構 56
4.3.2自主性管理功能之知識管理系統實務 57

五、討論 58
5.1功能別知識管理系統 58
5.2知識視野 59
5.3核心能力之整合 60
六、結論與建議 63
6.1總結與結論 63
6.2 研究限制與未來研究建議 64
參考文獻 65

表 目 錄
表1 內隱知識與外顯知識之比較 21
表2 知識創造與分享的組織程序 23
表3 知識管理策略 25
表4系統導向或人際互動導向知識管理策略之特質 25
表5 具維生能力之組織功能 35
表6具維生能力之組織結構對應人體神經系統之處理程序與控制機制 36
表7以可維生系統模型為理論基礎之知識管理系統內涵 51

圖 目 錄
圖1知識層級關連圖 18
圖2 兩構面之知識創造迴旋 21
圖3 知識創造模式與知識管理策略 26
圖4 四種知識轉換模式 26
圖5 組織知識創造之迴旋 28
圖6 以VSM控制機制為設計理念之組織結構與人體神經系統之
同構關連 34
圖7 S1組織結構 38
圖8 S1控制資訊流動結構 39
圖9 系統變革與穩定性 44
圖10 可維生系統模型之系統1(S1)變異處理示意圖 46
圖11知識管理系統架構建構思維 48
圖12 以可維生系統模型為理論基礎之知識管理系統架構 50
圖13知識管理系統內涵思維模型 50
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