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研究生(外文):Chin-Pin TSAO
論文名稱(外文):Study of pilots' attention distribution in tactical mission
指導教授(外文):Yau-De WANG
外文關鍵詞:attention distributionreaction timeflight decisiondynamic decisionsituational awareness
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本研究的目的在探討正常無外來干擾因素情況下飛行員注意力的分佈與地面輔助資訊對飛行員注意力之影響。30位飛行員及30位非飛行員被隨機指派至有輔助資訊及無輔助資訊兩種情境,每組受試者皆再以隨機的方式在單一作業及多重作業的情境中各從事3 ( 3種敵友機佈局)× 3 ( 3種飛機數量) × 9 ( 9種敵機出現位置) × 2 (有、無敵機)情境共162局的敵機偵測作業,實驗中以簡化的雷達顯示幕模擬戰術任務中對敵機之識別任務。結果由敵機偵測的反應時間分析發現,飛行員會優先將注意力分佈在距離55浬以內的部分空域,以便早期偵知敵機,飛行員對55浬以外的敵機則採取注意但不優先處理的方式,並且能夠在飛機數上升時應用輔助資訊以縮短敵機偵測的反應時間。面對多重作業之任務負荷時,飛行員的訓練使他們比非飛行員更能有效的分配並管理注意力資源以維持主作業績效。此外,由敵機位置的回憶發現,飛行員對敵機的偵測速度較快,並未犧牲了他們對敵機位置的正確回憶,然而,資料也顯示戰術任務中,作業環境結構的某些因素對飛行員的任務達成會有負面的影響,其中,敵機與友機所呈的佈局形式與敵機所處位置不同,對飛行員偵測敵機的反應速度及回憶敵機位置的正確程度會有不同影響,位於遠處且偏離友機群組的敵機之偵測不易,近處則以敵機處於角落且是被包圍在友機之內時會形成偵測上的死角。
The purpose of this study was to investigate combat pilots’ attention distribution in tactical mission and the effect of information support. Thirty pilots and thirty non-pilot airforce personnel were randomly assigned to the two (with or without information support) experimental conditions to perform simulated tactical mission of identifying enemy aircraft by using a simplified display of airborne RADAR. The results of detection time for enemy aircraft indicated that priority of attention allocation were given by pilots to areas within 55 NM to look for an early awareness of threatening enemy, those beyond 55 NM will be monitored and managed with lower priority, and the effect of information support in improving detection time increases as a function of total quantity of aircraft. The tactical training allows pilots to effectively manage the attention resources to maintain the performance of primary task in dual or multiple missions. The results of tactical situation recall indicated that pilots have better performance in detecting enemy aircraft without compromising the accuracy of situation recall. Other results indicated that some structural factors of operational environment have negative effect on pilots’ performance in a tactical mission. The configuration in which enemy and friendly aircraft related to others, and the location of displayed enemy aircraft have different effect on detection time and the accuracy of situation recall. In the areas of long distance, enemy aircraft positioned clearly away from friendly group caused long detection time while the enemy aircraft located in the corner and surrounded by the friendly group is more likely to be detected later in the areas of short and medium distance.
第一章導論 1
第二章文獻探討 14
第三章方法 36
第四章結果 54
第五章結論與討論 97
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