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研究生(外文):Da-Lan Liang
論文名稱(外文):Study on the manufacturing semi-solid billets by modified Strain-Induced Melt-Activated process
指導教授(外文):Ray-Quen Hsu
  • 被引用被引用:13
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Semi-solid processing is one of the most widely used methods for forming magnesium alloy components because of its low resistance to deform comparing to solid alloy forging. Semi-solid process produces components with high mechanical properties of formed comparing to liquid alloy die casting. Semi-solid processing is defined as a forming process in which semi-solid billets with a spheroidal microstructure are formed to produce a near net shaped product at the semi-solid temperature. For semi-solid processing of magnesium alloy, the most important thing is to prepare semi-solid billets, which have spheroidal microstructure. Comparing with other methods for preparing semi-solid billets, strain-induced and melt-activated (SIMA) is simple and cheap, especially for magnesium with high solid fraction. In "traditional SIMA method", the billet is first upsetted then is isothermal treated in semi-solid temperature in order to obtain spheroidal grains. However, for upsetting process of magnesium alloy, plastic deformation is limited due to its limited slip system. If the deformation percentage of magnesium alloy is above 20%, crack will occur.

In order to overcome the difficulties of plastic deformation of magnesium alloys in die upset, a modified method for obtaining severe plastic deformation (SPD) was adopted. Equal channel angular extrusion (ECAE) is a promising technique for obtaining ultra-fine grain materials with increased strength and ductility. During ECAE, a billet is pressed through a die that consists of two channels with equal cross-section, intersecting at an angle. Since the cross-sectional shape of billet remains nearly the same, ECAE processing can be repeated for many passes to control the microstructure and properties of the material.

In this study, is to represent an attempt to prepare semi-solid billets of AZ61 and AZ80 magnesium alloys were selected as the billets. Experiment results indicate that modified SIMA method is very effective for preparing spheroidal grain AZ61, however, for AZ80 the effect was not so obvious. Based on the results, we can conclude that when SIMA method was incorporated with ECAE for preparing AZ61 semi-solid billet a fine dispersed spheroidal grain micro-structure can be obtained.
中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
致謝 iii
目錄 iv
表目錄 vii
圖目錄 vii

一 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機與目的 3
二 鎂合金與半固態成形 6
2.1 鎂合金簡介 6
2.1.1 鎂合金的命名方式 6
2.1.2 添加合金元素對鎂合金之影響 6
2.1.3 鎂合金的優點 8
2.2 半固態成形加工 9
2.2.1 半固態成形原理 9
2.2.2 半固態材料之特性 11
2.2.3 半固態胚料之製造 14
2.2.4 半固態成形技術之類型 18
2.3 應變導引熔漿活化法(SIMA法) 20
2.3.1 製程原理 20
2.3.2 大量塑性變形法 21
2.3.3 結合大量塑性變形法與SIMA法 24
三 實驗方法與流程 38
3.1 製備半固態胚料原理 38
3.2 實驗材料 39
3.3 實驗設備 39
3.4 實驗步驟 40
3.4.1 保護氣體 42
3.4.2 金相觀察流程 43
四 實驗結果與討論 51
4.1 冷作加工量對晶粒組織的影響 52
4.2 半固態溫度下之晶粒組織變化 53
五 結論與未來展望 78
5.1 結論 78
5.2 未來展望 79
參考文獻 80

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