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研究生(外文):Yu-Ting Weng
論文名稱(外文):Chaos, Lag, Anticipated and Uncoupled Chaos Synchronization and Chaos Control of Integral and Fractional Order Double Mackey-Glass Systems
指導教授(外文):Zheng-Ming Ge
外文關鍵詞:ChaosChaos controlChaos synchronizationFractional order system
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Chaotic behaviors of integral and fractional order double Mackey-Glass time delay systems are studied by phase portraits and bifurcation diagrams. It is discovered that temporary lag and anticipated synchronization and temporary lag and anticipated anti-synchronization appear for two identical double Mackey-Glass systems, without any control scheme or coupling terms, but with different initial conditions. When all initial conditions are positive, the lag (anticipated) synchronization is obtained. The negative initial values make the time history inverse and temporary lag (anticipated) anti-synchronization occurs. The phenomena both appear intermittently. The parameter excited method is applied to control chaos of a double Mackey-Glass system and to synchronize two uncoupled identical double Mackey-Glass systems. By replacing a parameter of the chaotic system by the Gaussian noise, Rayleigh noise, Rician noise and uniform noise signal respectively, chaos control can be obtained. By replacing the corresponding parameters of these two chaotic systems by any of the mentioned noise signal, chaos synchronization can be obtained. Afterward, lag synchronization of two uncoupled double Mackey-Glass systems by parameter excited method is presented. By replacing the corresponding parameters with two lag Rayleigh noise signals, the lag synchronization can be successfully achieved. Temporary lag synchronization, partial lag synchronization and robustness of lag synchronization are also obtained by this method.
LIST OF TABLES...........................................vii
LIST OF FIGURES.........................................viii
Chapter 1 Introduction....................................1
Chapter 2 Chaos in Integral and Fractional Order Double Mackey-Glass Systems.......................................5
2.1 Chaos in integral order double Mackey-Glass system....5
2.2 Definition and approximation of fractional order operator...................................................6
2.3 The results of numerical simulations for fractional order systems..............................................7
Chapter 3 Temporary Lag and Anticipated Synchronization and Anti-Synchronization of Uncoupled Double Mackey-Glass Systems...................................................19
3.1 Temporary lag and anticipated synchronization and temporary lag and anticipated anti-synchronization of uncoupled time-delayed chaotic systems....................19
3.2 The lag and anticipated synchronization of two identical double Mackey-Glass systems.....................20
3.3 The lag and anticipated anti-synchronization of two identical double Mackey-Glass systems.....................23
Chapter 4 Chaos Control and Synchronization of Double Mackey-Glass System by Noise Excitation of Parameters.....30
4.1 Chaos control and synchronization for uncoupled double Mackey-Glass system by parameter excited method...........30
4.2 Numerical simulations of chaos control...............31
4.2.1 Gaussian noise.....................................31
4.2.2 Rayleigh noise.....................................32
4.2.3 Rician noise.......................................32
4.2.4 Uniform noise......................................33
4.3 Numerical simulations of chaos synchronizations......33
4.3.1 Gaussian noise.....................................34
4.3.2 Rayleigh noise.....................................34
4.3.3 Rician noise.......................................35
4.3.4 Uniform noise......................................36
Chapter 5 Robust Chaos Lag Synchronization of Double Mackey-Glass System by Noise Excitation of Parameters.....46
5.1 Lag synchronization of double Mackey-Glass system by parameter excited method..................................46
5.2 Numerical simulation results of lag synchronizations.47
Chapter 6 Conclusions....................................57
Appendix .................................................67
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