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研究生(外文):Tien-Yu Liao
論文名稱(外文):Vehicle Localization and Mapping System Design Based on a Laser Range Finder
指導教授(外文):Bing-Fei Wu
外文關鍵詞:LocalizationDead reckoningVehicleLaser range finderGlobal positioning system (GPS)Vehicle velocity sensorVehicle steering wheel sensorMicroAutoBoxVehicle motion modelSensor modelObservation model
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  本論文所論述的主要貢獻是利用各種感測器的搭配組合與應用,以雷射測距儀為主要感知元件,當車輛在行駛時,對於其周圍環境進行偵測以及障礙物的地圖建構,並且在未知環境中進行定位,將其應用於智慧車(Taiwan iTS-1)的運作上。
  全球定位系統只作為位置參考訊號的情形下,本系統利用車輛運動模型(vehicle motion model)的演算法進行方位推估(dead reckoning)運算。並同時在車輛行進當中,以觀測模型(observation model)對於周圍環境進行偵測以及將環境障礙物紀錄於內建地圖上。實驗結果即能夠表示此方法的可行性效益。
  The main purpose and contribution of this thesis are to combine and apply several sensors when the vehicle is moving. The system can detect the surrounding environment actively and build the maps of obstacles based on a laser range finder, and the localization for the intelligent vehicle, Taiwan iTS-1, in unknown environments.
  Various kinds of sensors are located in the vehicle, such as the laser range finder, the global positioning system (GPS), MicroAutoBox, the vehicle steering wheel sensor, and the vehicle velocity sensor to achieve the fully automatic vehicle localization, environment distinguish and build the maps.
  In the first stage of this system, the initial coordinates and initial direction of the vehicle based on the global coordinates system are given in the environmental measurement by GPS. The next stage uses the information of the vehicle from the vehicle velocity sensor and the steering wheel sensor. The vehicle states can be estimated to obtain the position and direction of the vehicle after movements. A laser range finder is used to detect the environmental status actively as a vehicle moving, and the unknown obstacles can be easily obtained in order to build the maps automatically.
  When the GPS signal is as the position reference signal, the vehicle motion model is used to compute states of the vehicle at the period based on dead reckoning algorithm without GPS measurements. And the proposed system can detect the surrounding environment and the build map when the vehicle moving based on the observation model. The experimental results show the effectiveness of this approach.
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Intelligent transportation system (ITS) 3
1.3 Motivation 4
1.4 Related work 6
1.5 System architecture 6
1.6 Brief sketch of contents 8
Chapter 2 Main Components 10
2.1 Taiwan iTS-1 intelligent vehicle platform 10
2.2 Laser range finder 12
2.3 MicroAutoBox of dSPACE 13
2.4 RTK-DGPS 14
2.5 Vehicle velocity sensor 18
2.6 Vehicle steering wheel sensor 19
2.7 PC-based human machine interface 20
Chapter 3 An Important Perception Sensor : Laser Range Finder 23
3.1 Operating principle 24
3.2 Improvement of the quality of the transmitted data 24
3.3 Making the reliable scanning distance 25
3.4 Choice the scanning angles to makes the measurements more correct 27
3.5 Enhance the transmission efficiency 29
3.5.1 The best examination instrument for the logic circuit: logic analyzer 35
3.6 Adaptive detection efficiency 36
3.7 Related problems 39
3.8 The features and advantages of laser range finder system 41
Chapter 4 Vehicle Motion, Perception and Observation 43
4.1 Vehicle motion model 43
4.2 Sensor model 44
4.3 Observation model 54
Chapter 5 Experimental Results 56
5.1 The basal experiment of the laser range finder 56
5.2 The vehicle positions dead reckoning and obstacles detection 62
Chapter 6 Conclusions and Future Work 72
6.1 Conclusions 72
6.2 Future work 73
Reference 74
Appendix 78
Appendix A : Laser range finder [18-19] 78
Appendix B : The algorithms about to determine the sensor model [5] 80
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