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論文名稱(外文):A Study of Theory of Constraints Applied to Production Management in Heat Pipe Industry
外文關鍵詞:Theory of ConstraintsTOCDrum- Buffer- RopeDBR
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Dr. Goldratt 所提出的限制驅導式現場排程與管理技術 (Drum-Buffer-Rope,DBR),提供了簡易可行的現場排程與管理思維理念,經過二十多年來的發展,已成為企業真正改變的一套絕佳解決方案。因此本研究希望能透過限制理論的導入,建立限制驅導式排程管理系統模型,再以熱導管產業的一家個案公司,做為實證研究。以達到有效縮短製造週期、降低庫存並提昇訂單交期的準確性。
Estimating the thermal requirement for desktops, heat pipe suppliers adopt thermal modules with heat pipes instead of traditional thermal modules. Owing to tremendous production capacity increase in the first half of 2005, thermal module suppliers covet the big market, so they start to make their own heat pipes to have vertical integration and lower the cost. The industry pattern changes from the demand exceeding the supply to the supply exceeding the demand, from mass production to small quantity but large variety, and from planning production to build-to-order. The industry faces severe challenge. The first priority target is how to enhance customer satisfaction to win more orders. In order to satisfy customer demand, the business must provide the services that emphasize on the three key factors:cost, quality and delivery. However, the price is fixed based on the market mechanism, so no matter how much the cost is, when there is no big difference in price and quality between competitors, the delivery and the accuracy become the most key factors when getting orders. Therefore, the direct strike is the production planning and management. When the market competition is getting fiercer, the production planning and management not only get more complicated, but also become the focus to win or loss. How to react effectively is the mission for managers who are indispensable and devoted.
Dr. Goldratt provides easy and practical production planning and management theory in Drum-Buffer-Rope (DBR). After the development for two decades, DBR becomes the best solution for industries. Therefore, this research is to build up the DBR model through the DBR implementation, and provide the case of how one heat pipe company can shorten the production cycle effectively, lower down the stock and increase the delivery accuracy.
中文摘要 …………………………………………………… i
英文摘要 ……………………………………………………… ii
誌謝 …………………………………………………………… iii
目錄 …………………………………………………………… iv
圖目錄 ………………………………………………………… vi
表目錄 ………………………………………………………… vii
第一章 緒論 …………………………………………………… 1
1.1 研究動機與目的 ………………………………… 1
1.2 研究架構 ………………………………………… 3
第二章 文獻探討 ……………………………………………… 4
2.1 熱導管的原理與製程 …………………………… 4
2.2 限制理論 TOC 之介紹 ………………………… 6
2.3 限制驅導式排程方法 …………………………… 8
2.4 限制驅導式現場排程與管理的精簡法則 ……… 13
第三章 限制驅導式排程要領 ………………………………… 15
3.1 確認瓶頸實體限制 ……………………………… 15
3.2 緩衝建立要領 …………………………………… 15
3.3 限制驅導節奏設計要領 ………………………… 16
3.4 投料時程規劃要領 ……………………………… 20
3.5 緩衝管理設計要項 ……………………………… 20
3.6 非限制資源之規劃 ……………………………… 21
第四章 個案實例驗證 ………………………………………… 22
4.1 個案公司簡介 …………………………………… 22
4.2 導入背景 ………………………………………… 22
4.3 限制驅導式排程模式導入 ……………………… 23
4.3.1 確認瓶頸資源所在 ………………………………… 23
4.3.2 充份利用受限產能 ………………………………… 24
4.3.3 建立緩衝保護 ……………………………………… 28
4.3.4 設計限制驅導節奏 ………………………………… 28
4.3.5 規劃投料時程 ……………………………………… 33
4.3.6 緩衝管理設計 ……………………………………… 34
4.3.7 非限制資源之排程準則 …………………………… 36
4.4 在製品資訊系統導入 ……………………………… 36
4.5 導入成效 …………………………………………… 43
4.5.1 導入前、後成效分析 ……………………………… 43
4.5.2 導入歷程的挑戰與解決 …………………………… 46
第五章 結論與未來研究方向 ………………………………… 48
5.1 研究結論 …………………………………………… 48
5.2 未來研究方向 ……………………………………… 49
參考文獻 ………………………………………………………… 50
附錄 ……………………………………………………………… 52
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