一、 英文部分
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17. Ascher, W. (1978), Forecasting. An Appraisal for Policy-Makers and Planners, The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore.
18. Bhargava, S. C. (1995), “A Generalized Form of the Fisher-Pry Model of Technological Substitution”, Technological Forecasting and Sicial Change, 49(1), pp. 27-34.
19. Chen, T. C. and Chang, C. C. and Tzeng, G. H. (2001), “Applying Fuzzy Measures to Establish Priority Setting Procedures for the Pavement Management System”, Pan Pacific Management Review, 4(1), pp. 23-33.
20. Huan, J. S. and James, T. L. and Trefor, P. W. (1996), “Using Neural Networks to Predict Component Inspection Requirements for Aging Aircraft”, Computer Ind. Engng, 30(2).
21. Kaszubowski, M. J. (1995), “An Analysis of Payload Growth for Major U.S. and European Launch Vehicles”, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 48(3), pp. 269-284
22. Levary, R. R. and Han, D. (1995), “Choosing a technological Forecasting Method”, Industrial Management, 37(1), pp. 14-18.
23. Malthus, T. R. (1798), An essay on the principle of population. Johnson, London, republished by Cambridge University Press, New York, 1992.
24. Martino, J. P. (1993). Technological Forecasting for Decision Making”, 3rd ed.,New York: McGraw-Hill, Inc., p.1.Meade, N. and Islam, T. (1995) “Forecasting with growth curves : an Empirical Comparison”, International Journal of Forecasting, 11(2), pp. 199-215.
25. Porter, A. L. (1991), Forecasting and Management of Technology, Hohn Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York.
26. Zaika, L. L. and Scullen, J (1996), “Growth of Shigella Flexneri in Food : Comparison of Observed and Predicted Growth kinetics Parameters”, International Journal of Food Microbiology, 32(1/2), pp. 91-102.
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