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研究生(外文):Ho, Chen-Min
論文名稱(外文):A possible role for transversalis fascia in adult groinn hernias ?
指導教授(外文):J.T. Mao
外文關鍵詞:transversalis fasciacollagenhernia
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Hernia is a common disease. Hernia repair is the most frequent operation after to appendectomy

in the United States. Classically direct hernia is considered the result of weakness of transervalis

fascia. In light of the studies of Pans and Albert, it appeared that collagen pathology of transversalis

fascia could be involved in the genesis of adult groin hernia.

In this work, we focused on investigations including collagen content and pathologic changes of

transversalis fascias from patients with direct or indirect hernias. The collagen content of

transversalis fascias collected from patients did not show significant difference between direct and

indirect hernia patients. The slight increase in collagen content of transversalis fascias from indirect

hernia patients was impressed. However, its explanation remains unclear.

Patients with indirect hernia had compact collagen fibers and intact elastic fibers. In contrast,

patients with direct hernia had aggregated collagen fibers and disrupted elastic fibers. This work

suggests that the functional and pathologic changes of transversalis fascia may probably play a

role in the genesis of adult groin hernias.

Contents IV

Figure contents V

Abstract (Chinese) I

Abstract (English) II

Dedication III

Introduction 1

Materials and methods 5

Results 8

Discussion 9

References 17

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