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研究生(外文):Chang-Chun Lin
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Post-tensioned precast structural systems possess high construction efficiency, self-centering characteristics to reduce residual deformation, and energy dissipating mechanism when adequately designed, thus are effective structural forms for earthquake-resistant designs. This study is focused on the evaluation of seismic performance of post-tensioned precast systems. A series tests on the two-bay, one-story frame subjected to cyclic loading were conducted. The test frame was composed of precast reinforced concrete columns and steel wide-flange beams. Three sets of rubber pads were adopted in the column to base connections to absorb energy.
Test results showed that the behavior of the column to base connections in the frame structure was similar to that of a single column test. No residual deformation was exhibited when the structure was subjected to a number of cyclic loading tests. Structural stiffness was increased when the rubber pads were used. Adequate energy dissipation was also observed when the rubber pads were adopted in the column to base connections which justified its applicability to the seismic design of post-tensioned precast structures.
摘要 I
Abstract II
誌謝 III
目錄 IV
表目錄 VII
圖目錄 VIII
照片目錄 XII
第一章 諸論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究目的 1
1.3 研究方向 2
1.4 研究內容 2
第二章 文獻回顧 4
2.1國內外相關研究 4
2.1. 1自我復位預力接合之研究 4
2.1. 2橡膠塊相關研究 6
2.1. 3基礎設計之研究 6
第三章 實驗規劃與流程 7
3.1 實驗規畫與參數 7
3.1.1 實驗規劃 7
3.1.2 實驗參數與编號說明 7
3.2 試體製作與材料試驗 7
3.2.1 試體製作 7
3.2.2 材料試驗 9
3.3 試體組裝與預力施拉 10
3.4 儀器配置與試驗方法 11
3.4.1 儀器配置 11
3.4.2 試驗方法 13
第四章 實驗觀察與比較 14
4.1 試體試驗紀錄 14
4.1. 1空構架試驗 14
4.1. 2配置橡膠墊之構架 15
4.2 試驗結果比較與討論 16
4.2. 1相同之處 16
4.2. 2相異之處 16
第五章 實驗結果分析與討論 17
5.1 試體整體變形分析與比較 17
5.1. 1柱底剪力與側位移關係曲線 17
5.1. 2柱底彎矩與側位移角關係曲線 18
5.1. 3柱底剪力與柱底打開量關係曲線 18
5.1. 4勁度分析 18
5.1. 5能量消散 19
5.1. 6預力損失 19
5.1. 7殘餘變形、殘餘力量 19
5.2 模型建立 20
5.3 等效勁度 22
5.4 側力與位移角分析流程 29
5.5 消散能量推估 31
5.6 討論 32
第六章 結論與建議 33
6.1 結論 33
6.2 建議 33
參考文獻 34
附錄A 試體設計圖 80
附錄B 柱基礎設計相關規範 92
一、 柱底板設計 92
二、 AISC-ASD規範[9] 93
三、 AISC-LRFD規範[10] 94
四、 錨定螺栓設計 96
五、 錨頭設計 98
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