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研究生(外文):Hsiang-Chun Wang
論文名稱(外文):Applying Cognitive Work Analysis to Organize the Collaborative Design Team
指導教授(外文):Hsin-Pei Kao
外文關鍵詞:CPDTeam developmentCWAAutomotive electronic
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建立一個複雜的協同產品開發系統是一個必須多方考量的問題,其需要一個良好的團隊來設計規劃此系統所有的組成條件。然而現今的團隊設計方法並不能廣泛地使用在發展中的系統,此論文採用的認知工作分析法(Cognitive Work Analysis, CWA)更適合於運用在發展中的系統。認知工作分析法是一個以系統為基準的方法,常用來分析、模型化及設計複雜的social-technical 系統。本文引用Naikar等人提出的以認知工作分析法為基礎的團隊設計方法(CWA-based team design method)加以延伸,在領域上,從原本的軍事到工管領域中的新產品開發,在方法上加入了協同這個變數。方法論的第一步是採用Work Domain Analysis (WDA),來描繪與分析出系統的界線與組成條件;再來使用Control Task Analysis (CTA)來分析工作者的處境與問題;最後運用Table-top analysis 來分析之前所得之資訊,並產生各種可行的團隊設計。在描述更細部的流程後,我們將此方法論應用於汽車電子的一個例子裡。本文的目的是給予協同產品開發的專案管理者一個團隊設計的建議,使開發過程順利及產品開發成功。
Developing complex collaborative product development systems is a multidimensional problem that requires a good team to design all the requirements of the system. Whereas current team design approaches are not used widely for evolutionary systems, other approaches, such as those from within the Cognitive Work Analysis (CWA), may be better suited to revolutionary systems. CWA is a systems-based approach to the analysis, modeling, and design of complex socio-technical systems. We adopt a CWA-based team design method from Naiker et al. (2003), but apply it on different domain (e.g. collaborative product development). First step is using Work Domain Analysis (WDA), which can easily draw the boundary and analyze system requirements. Second, Control Task Analysis (CTA) is used to analyze workers’ situations and problems in a matrix. Third, table-top analysis will use preceding information and come out feasible team designs. After presenting detail process of team design, we apply it on a case and see the performance. However, the purpose is trying to give project manager who need to develop a team some suggestions before collaborative product development and achieve new product development success ultimately.
List of figures ...................................... viii
List of tables ...........................................x
Chapter I Introduction....................................1
1.1 Introduction of the problem.......................... 1
1.1.1 New product development ........................... 1
1.1.2 Collaboration in new product development........... 1
1.1.3 Teams play important roles ........................ 2
1.1.4 The reason for using cognitive work analysis....... 3
1.2 Purposes and the objectives ......................... 3
1.3 Outline of the thesis ............................... 3
Chapter II Literature Review ............................ 4
2.1 New product development ............................. 4
2.1.1 The process of new product development ............ 5
2.2 Collaborative product design/development ............ 6
2.2.1 The process of collaborative product design/development (CPD) ... 7
2.2.2 Collaborative Planning, Forecasting, and Replenishment .............. 9
2.3 Team development ................................... 10
2.3.1 Traditional approaches of designing teams......... 10
2.4 Cognitive engineering............................... 11
2.4.1 Cognitive work analysis........................... 12 Introduction of CWA ............................ 12 Phase1: Work domain analysis ................... 13 Phase2: Control task analysis .................. 14 Phase3: Strategies analysis .................... 16 Phase4: Social organization and cooperation analysis................... 17 Phase5: Work Competencies analysis.............. 18
Chapter III Research Methodology.........................19
3.1 The modeling framework............................................... 19
3.1.1 Refer to CWA-based technique for team design...... 19
3.1.2 Apply CWA to collaborative product design-- A Methodology
framework............ 24
3.2 The Detail Description of using CWA in Team Design ..28
3.2.1 Step1: Conducting work domain analysis............ 28
3.2.2 Step2: conducting control task analysis........... 30
3.2.3 Step3: Table top analysis......................... 32
Chapter IV Case Study....................................34
4.1 The automotive-electronic industry ................. 34
4.1.1 From automotive to automotive electronic.......... 34
4.1.2 Case/system description........................... 37
4.2 Design a team for collaborative ABS development..... 39
4.2.1 Identify the domain of collaborative ABS development ....................... 39
4.2.2 Conducting CTA-identify work systems ............. 45
4.2.3 Table top analysis-Assign job to team members..... 54
Chapter V Conclusion ....................................59
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