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研究生(外文):Ching-Kun Lai
論文名稱(外文):Evaluation on Components of Backlight Module with Specific Chromaticity
指導教授(外文):Tsung-Hsun Yang
外文關鍵詞:chromaticitybacklightLCD display
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Color chromaticity is one of most important characteristic of displays. However, a display is composed of many components and modules. To keep the accuracy of chromaticity for displays become a crucial subject for manufacturers. Among all the components and modules of a display, the backlight module in LCD TV is taken as a carrier for detailed study. It is to find out the dependence of the variation of chromaticity on the characteristics of optical components. Finally, some essential specifications can be identified according to the optical spectrum of the components in the backlight module.
第一章 序論 1
1.1 簡介 1
1.2 LCD產業現況 3
1.3 背光源模組介紹 8
1.4 研究動機 12
第二章 發光特性的評估方法 14
2.1 混色系統 15
2.2 CIE 色度座標 17
3.1背光源色度估算方法 21
3.2運算流程 23
第四章 應用實例 25
4.1擴散板的色度計算 25
4.3 雙層擴散片的色度計算 39
4.4稜鏡片的色度計算 46
4.5 上擴散片的色度計算 52
4.6 DBEFD的色度計算 57
4.7 色度計算之討論 62
4.8 色度計算方法之應用實例 64
4.9 各種film材光學特性討論 69
第五章 結論與展望 71
5.1 結論 71
5.2未來展望 72
參考文獻 73
附錄 76
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