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研究生(外文):Cheng-Yi Hsu
論文名稱(外文):Photonic coupling filter
外文關鍵詞:demultiplexercavitywaveguidephotonic crystaldrop filter
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Waveguides and filters are the essential building blocks in constructing photonic crystal circuits. Traditionally, the designing rules and hence the arrangement of these two kinds of devices in the photonic circuit are unrelated, therefore, the feature size of the whole circuit structure cannot be reduced much. In this thesis, based on the coupling effect between waveguide modes and cavity modes, we design the waveguide-filter structures that consist of several waveguides and cavities embedded in the two-dimensional photonic-crystal background. According to the coupled-mode theory, waveguide-filter structures can be designed to filter waves of specific frequencies by appropriately choosing the parameters such as the locations and sizes of the cavities and their distances to the waveguides. Since the cavities are embedded in the photonic crystal background, the feature size of the whole photonic circuitry can be reduced dramatically. The numerical simulation methods we used in this thesis are the plane wave expansion method and multiple scattering method. Utilizing these two methods, the eigen-frequencies of the cavities can be determined and the transmissions of the waveguides can be obtained. In order to achieve the highest filter efficiency, we optimize the structure by appropriately tuning the parameters of the cavities and waveguides. The results reveal that tuning the surrounding structures of the cavities can improve much of the efficiency of the filter. Besides, the throughput spectrum can be made smoother by using the multi-cavity structure.
中文摘要 ------------------------------------------------Ⅰ
英文摘要 ------------------------------------------------Ⅱ
致謝 ------------------------------------------------Ⅲ
目錄 ------------------------------------------------Ⅳ
圖目錄 ------------------------------------------------Ⅵ
表目錄 ------------------------------------------------Ⅷ
第一章 緒論---------------------------------------------1
第二章 光子晶體的理論與分析方法-------------------------3
2-1 光子晶體介紹-------------------------------------3
2-2 二維光子晶體分析之平面波展開法-------------------5
2-2-1 二維平面波之波動方程式---------------------------5
2-2-2 平面波展開法-------------------------------------8
2-3 多重散射法--------------------------------------10
2-4 多重散射法中能流的計算--------------------------15
第三章 光子晶體波導與共振腔----------------------------17
3-1 光子晶體能帶回顧--------------------------------17
3-2 光子晶體波導與共振腔----------------------------18
3-3 共振腔耦合--------------------------------------22
3-4 通道選擇濾波器----------------------------------24
第四章 耦合濾波器的理論架構----------------------------27
4-1 單一共振腔單模態濾波器--------------------------27
4-2 單一共振腔雙模態濾波器--------------------------31
4-3 兩個共振腔各自支援單一模態----------------------35
第五章 數值模擬結果與討論------------------------------39
5-1 解多工器----------------------------------------39
5-2 雙共振腔的耦合濾波器----------------------------44
5-3 高階耦合濾波器----------------------------------47
5-4 波長選擇反射面耦合濾波器------------------------53
第六章 結論--------------------------------------------57
參考資料 ------------------------------------------------60
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