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研究生(外文):Jian-Tai Zheng
論文名稱(外文):Improvements of tribe geneatic drawing algorithm
外文關鍵詞:genetic algorithmdrawing algorithm
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The data structure seen most frequently in the computer science is graph, and the graph is composed of nodes and edges. The graph often becomes complicated with a large number of data, so we must change the complicated graph into the graph that is clear and easy to understand by using computer.
In the [Hsieh05], it provides a drawing algorithm which is based on the genetic algorithm to draw a tree in the rectilinear polygon on the two-dimentional space. By using Hierarchical layout, the drawing algorithm contracts a tree and expands it hierarchically.
However, the drawing algorithm has many disadvantages. It spends a lot of time drawing a complicated tree; designs for crossover and mutation are not good enough, and aesthetic criteria can’t pick out a proper tree. This paper focuses on improving the drawing algorithm. We improve the initial state of species to prevent lasting execution time, provide new designs for crossover and mutation, and join a new concept in aesthetic criteria.
目錄........................................................... I
圖目錄....................................................... III
表目錄........................................................ VI
第一章緒論.................................................... 1
第二章圖形繪製相關研究........................................ 7
2.1 力導向模型................................................7
2.1.1 彈簧嵌入演算法........................................8
2.1.2 Fruchterman 及Reingold 的演算法.....................10
2.2 最佳化問題模型...........................................13
第三章族群基因繪圖演算法..................................... 15
3.1 基因演算法之簡介.........................................15
3.2 族群基因繪圖演算法.......................................18
3.2.1 階層式的繪製方式.....................................18
3.2.2 族群的概念...........................................19
3.2.3 基因演算法的設計.....................................20
第四章族群基因繪圖演算法的改良............................... 27
4.1 美學規則的改良...........................................27
4.1.1 實驗結果比較.........................................33
4.2 物種初始狀態的改良.......................................39
4.2.1 實驗結果比較.........................................41
4.3 基因運算的改良...........................................43
4.3.1 交配運算的改良.......................................43
4.3.2 突變運算的改良.......................................46
4.3.3 實驗結果比較.........................................48
第五章實驗結果與討論......................................... 54
5.1 演算法執行效能比較.......................................54
5.2 圖形繪製結果.............................................58
第六章結論與未來工作......................................... 73
參考文獻...................................................... 75
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