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研究生(外文):Bo-Hsiang Chan
論文名稱(外文):System designing and implementation of ground station control center for WISH system
外文關鍵詞:Wireless networkRescueDigital cameraUAV
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台灣地處地震帶,屬於熱帶性海洋氣候,因此每年都有許多地震、颱風等天災產生。而登山健行偶發的山難事件也會帶走許多人命。但是台灣卻沒有足夠的搜救人力足以迅速的找到受難生還者並提供適當的援助。天災發生時,往往產生兩個困難:一是受難群落與外界的通訊阻隔(如土石流侵襲的神木村);一則是地面地毯式的搜尋生還者實在太沒效率。 為此,我們提出WISH計畫-無線網路與圖形監控直升機系統,包含兩大目的:迅速的超距離無線通訊連線的建立與高解析度圖像即時拍攝。為了達成此目標我們結合了無線隨意網路、第三代行動通訊系統與數位單眼相機在此系統上。同時建置一嵌入式中控系統在直升機上,負責收集各感測器所回傳之數值、控制相機拍照,並將相片與數據傳回地面管制中心。 此論文為WISH計畫的一部分,負責地面中控中心軟體的開發與實作,功能包括:
Web/local GIS支援,路徑記錄

Taiwan is on a seismic belt and belongs to the tropics island climate so there are many calamities like earthquake and typhoon in this island. And sometimes mountain climbing will take out some people‟s lives. But there is not enough human resource of rescue to speedily find these survivors and provide the adequate support. When a catastrophe occurs, the main problem is: First, the communication between survivor and savor is isolated. Second, the survivors searching on the ground is not efficient.
In order to solve the problems, we proposed a WISH system - wireless image surveillance helicopter. It contains two key components: Immediate cross range communication deploys and real time high resolution image capturing & transmitting. So we combine the Wireless ad hoc network and 3G & DSLR to do this. It has the following three components: 1.a PC/104 embedded control center, 2.a digital camera, 3.a 3G communication interface. On the plane we used some single chip to get the sensors‟ data, and then they will send the data to the embedded
control center to get the flight status. And the ground station can send command to capture image, control flight, and receive the flight status. This paper is a part of the WISH project. A ground base station software system that would provide the following functions:
3G real time communication interface.
Remote picture capturing & showing.
Flight controlling.
Graphical flight displaying & data collecting.
Web/local GIS support, flight path record.
Finally, we also did some experiment to check each function. The result showed that the idea of system is workable and still need to be continuously improved.
Abstract V
摘要 VII
Chapter1. Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation 1
1.2 Contribution and Challenge 3
1.3 Thesis Structure 5
Chapter2. Background 6
2.1 Unmanned aerial vehicle 6
2.2 The embedded on-plane automatic control system development 9
2.3 Related work of UAV & UAH 12
Chapter3. System architecture 20
3.1 Goal & main idea 20
3.2 Digital Single-Lens Reflex camera (DSLR) 22
3.3 3G wireless communication 25
3.4 Wireless Ad Hoc network 26
3.5 Embedded controlling center (ECC) 27
3.5.1 Sensors block 28
3.5.2 PC/104 embedded x86 system 34
3.5.3 Auxiliary stabilization subsystem 36
3.5.4 Summarize of ECC 37
3.6 Whole system architecture and data flow 38
Chapter4. Implementation of the base station software system 40
4.1 The upper GIS form 41
4.2 The lower dashboard form 43
4.3 Left sensor value form 44
4.4 Right interaction form 45
4.5 Image browser form 47
4.6 Four threads for the system 48
Chapter5. Prototype system verification 49
5.1 First trial flight 51
5.2 Second trial flight 55
Chapter6. Future works and conclusion 57
Reference 59
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