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研究生(外文):Wen-zhi Wu
論文名稱(外文):A tree-based IP assignment scheme in mobile ad hoc network
外文關鍵詞:ip assignmentmobile ad hoc network
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Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET) is a multi-hop network for which the communication between mobile nodes is persistent. The IP addresses can be assigned automatically by DHCP server in the wired network. However, it cannot be applied to MANET because of its distributed and dynamic nature. In this paper, we propose a tree-based IP assignment scheme which assigns a unique IP address for each node in MANET.
There are two ways of IP assignment scheme for MANET, flooding based and address-pool based. The presented scheme is based on an address-pool way in which only some of the nodes are assigned as allocators which are responsible for assigning an IP address to a new node in the network. Mobile nodes exchange hello messages to find the closest allocators, hence new incoming node can occupy less bandwidth resource to obtain an IP address quickly.
Because of the rapid change and unpredictability of MANET topology, networks merging and partitioning are occurred frequently. The IP addresses of the nodes may be lost or collide when networks merge or partition. We design methods for detecting and solving such problems. In previous IP assignment schemes, nodes report their IP addresses information to the node which detects networks merging and partitioning through unicast. In our scheme, we design an address-reported-tree in order to reduce the communication overhead occurred by all nodes reporting their IP address at the same time.
In this paper, we use ns-2 simulators to evaluate our scheme by modifying various parameters. According to the simulation results, the advantages and disadvantages of our scheme are discussed, and the future works of our scheme is figured out.
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機與目的 5
1.3 論文架構 7
第二章 背景介紹 8
2.1 行動網路分離與合併 8
2.2 氾濫式(flooding-based)為基礎之IP位址分配機制 10
2.3 位址池(address pool)為主之IP位址分配機制 14
第三章 IP分享機制 20
3.1 封包格式 20
3.2 名詞介紹 23
3.2.1 IP區塊模型 23
3.2.2 網路識別碼 24
3.2.3 角色任務介紹 25
3.2.4 IP區塊的管理 25
3.2.5 位址分配樹 27
3.3 機制介紹 32
3.3.1 機制簡介 32
3.3.2 節點進入 35
3.3.3 節點離開 38
3.3.4 網路分離(Network split) 39
3.3.5 網路合併(Network merge) 42
3.4 機制之強化 44
3.4.1 位址回報樹 44
3.4.2 廣播延遲時間設計 45
第四章 模擬數據與效能評估 47
4.1 模擬環境 47
4.2 效能評估指標 47
4.3 廣播延遲係數(α)分析 48
4.4 位址池大小與跳躍數分析 51
4.5 節點速度之分析 54
4.6 節點密度之分析 56
第五章 結論 59
5.1 機制特色 59
5.2 論文貢獻 60
5.3 未來研究方向 61
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