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研究生(外文):Chi-Sheng Hsieh
論文名稱(外文):A Case Study of Data Warehouse System Implementation
外文關鍵詞:Data WarehouseSuccess factorSystem implementation
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In order to accommodate to the management''s information requirements for decision-making and elevate competitiveness for an enterprise, the enterprise needs to establish a platform for analyzing data to support the management''s demands for decision-making information. To establish the Data Warehouse system for an enterprise has become a trend of information development after the implementation of ERP. The Data Warehouse system itself has also become an indication of enhancing competitive advantage for an enterprise.
A successful establishment of the Data Warehouse system could help the enterprise decision-making management use the integrated digital information to improve its ability and speed of analyzing and making decisions, and therefore to create the business intelligence for the whole enterprise. This study is based on a real case in plastic industry, covering the development of system life cycle, identifying the crucial problems of old system, manpower of information department and user requirements. Probes into the construction models, techniques, methods and tools inducted by the Data Warehouse system, and summarizes the practical experiences about the industrial application of the Data Warehouse system and related factors of successful implementation of the system through the establishment of which. The study also analyzes and treats the practicability and efficiency of the establishment according to the impacts and variations brought to the management, information department and end users after the system going live.
目 錄 i
圖 目 錄 ii
表 目 錄 iii
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究動機與問題 2
第三節 論文架構 3
第二章 文獻探討 5
第一節 資料倉儲 5
第二節 線上分析處理(OLAP) 19
第三節 資料倉儲建置成敗因素之探討 27
第三章 研究方法 31
第一節 選擇研究方法 31
第二節 選擇研究個案 32
第三節 資料來源及蒐集方法 32
第四節 研究效度及信度 33
第四章 資料倉儲建置個案研究 36
第一節 個案公司分析 36
第二節 建置資料倉儲之背景與動機 40
第三節 個案資料倉儲系統建置流程 41
第四節 資料倉儲建置成功因素及效益 58
第五章 研究結論與建議 64
第一節 研究結論 64
第二節 研究限制 66
第三節 未來研究方向 67
參考文獻 68
附錄-訪談問卷 72
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