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研究生(外文):Hung-Sheng Lu
論文名稱(外文):Factors Affecting Employees’ Knowledge Sharing in ERP Post-Implementation Stage
外文關鍵詞:social capitalknowledge sharingERPintrinsic mottrainingself-efficacy
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Knowledge sharing has been identified as one of the most important factors to help enterprises gain advantages and ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) has also played an important role in enterprise operational management. This study wants to discover what factors will affect knowledge sharing between employees in the post implementation stage of ERP. From the findings of previous researches, social capital has a positive effect to the knowledge sharing. During knowledge sharing process, intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, and self-efficacy are also playing important roles. Although many literatures concentrate on knowledge sharing, few of them are focusing on the post implementation stage. Training has been pointed out as a critical factor in implementing ERP which have been discussed in few knowledge sharing researches. This study will focus on what factors will affect knowledge sharing in the post implementation stage of ERP. The results show that social capital, intrinsic motivation, and self-efficacy all have direct impacts on knowledge sharing. Extrinsic motivation can affect knowledge sharing via intrinsic motivation, and training affects knowledge sharing via self-efficacy. Consequently, enterprises should pay attention to these factors in order to enhance knowledge sharing between employees and to gain competitive advantages.
1. Introduction 1
1.1. Research background 1
1.2. Research motivation 2
1.3. Research purposes 3
2. Literature review 5
2.1. Social Capital 5
2.2. Motivation 9
2.3. Training 13
2.4. Self-efficacy 13
2.5. Knowledge Sharing 16
3. Method 19
3.1. Research Framework 19
3.2. Research Design 19
3.3. Measures 20
3.4. Data Analysis Methods 23
4. Data Analysis 26
4.1. Data collection 26
4.2. Measurement 27
4.3. Hypotheses Testing 30
4.4. Summary of Findings 35
4.5. Discussion 36
5. Conclusion 39
5.1. Conclusions 39
5.2. Management Implications 40
5.3. Research Limitations 42
Reference 43
Appendix Questionnaire 50
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