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研究生(外文):Yuh-sheng Liou
論文名稱(外文):The Analysis Of the Fluid Field and Furnace Parameter of Gaseous Zinc and Steam Mixture
外文關鍵詞:ZincHydrogen productionParticle
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The present thesis tends to investigate the influence of mixing chamber’s geometries, incoming gaseous speeds and the circulations of flow on the forming of the gaseous state Zinc particle. Without the consideration of chemical reaction condition, both high-temperatures gas flow field and temperature field after mixing are investigated in detail.
In the numerical simulations, different combinations of furnace exit diameter and gas exit diameter, as well as the gaseous zinc entrance velocity, are taken to see the influence of furnace’s geometry on the thermal and fluid distributions.
Results show as the entrance speed is low and the furnace exit diameter is larger than 16mm, the water steam will flow backward into the furnace. The trend will be more obvious as the diameter increases. While the inlet Zinc velocity is 2.192m/s and the furnace exit diameter is smaller than 18mm, no matter what the gas exit diameter is, the water steam will never flow backward into the furnace. If the inlet velocity increases to 4.384m/s, regardless of fixed furnace exit diameter or fixed gas exit diameter, there always has a large amount of steam flows backward into the furnace. The backflow of the steam will surely reduce the efficiency of hydrogen production.
摘要 I
英文摘要 II
目錄 III
表目錄 VI
圖目錄 VII
符號說明 XI
第一章 序論 1
1-1 前言 1
1-2 產氫方法簡介 2
1-3 熱化學產氫之介紹與文獻回顧 6
1-4 研究動機與目的 13
第二章 理論模式 14
2-1物理模型與基本假設 14
2-2 統御方程式 15
2-2-1 多種物質混合後的流體性質 15
2-2-2 動量方程式 16
2-2-3 能量方程式 17
2-3 模型設計 17
2-4 邊界條件 17
第三章 數值方法 19
3-1 使用軟體 19
3-1-1 Gambit模組 19
3-1-2 Fluent模組 20
3-2 格點設定 21
3-3 計算流程與收斂條件 21
第四章 結果與討論 22
4-1 與文獻結果之比較 22
4-2 固定反應爐出口直徑(d1)與氣體出口直徑(d2) 23
4-3固定反應爐出口直徑(d1)與改變氣體出口直徑(d2) 26
4-4改變反應爐出口直徑(d1)與固定氣體出口直徑(d2) 28
第五章 結論 30
5-1 結論 30
5-2 未來展望 32
參考文獻 33
附錄A 36
I. 成核理論模式 36
II. 分子數量濃度、粒子數量濃度、粒子體積 37
III. 模擬之過程 40
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