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研究生(外文):Shang-Neng Wu
外文關鍵詞:small-and-middle-sized enterprisescustomization of small and large varietiesMedical equipment industry
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透過SWOT分析A公司的內部資源,外部產業環境,策略的運用,供應鏈的整合,人力資源的管理,競爭優勢的創造,期望可以將理論及實務結合,整理出關鍵成功因素如下:(1)定位明確:選定經營方針做小池塘的大魚 (2)技術領先:充份發揮研發、製造優勢 (3)制度化知識管理:善用制度彌補人力素質弱點(4)結合策略夥伴:運用有限資源管理整合外部資源(5)創新的差異化:整合多項創新優勢佈局成持續的優勢差異性。

Since the economic expansion in Taiwan from the 1960’s, small-and- middle-sized enterprises for OEM have been booming. In the 1990’s, new countries grow up, especially, since the mainland China government encourages foreign investment’ easily-obtained land, abundance of human resources, lower wages, and the huge potential in the consumer market of 1.3 billion persons, all cause middle-and-large enterprises to move westward. The advantages of small-and- middle-sized enterprises in Taiwan have been reduced gradually. Facing strong global competition and deteriorating industry environment in Taiwan, the enterprises will disappear if they fail to accelerate their reform. This paper takes company A as an example, to discuss how small-and-middle-sized enterprises in Taiwan, under the dramatically changing operational environment, find ways to continue their survival and reform using current resources; and their responding strategies.

Company A is a customized medical equipment manufacturer with a small amount yet many varieties of product, transformed from one formerly operating a traditional large-scale consumer electronic production. It has over 10 years experience in each of two different operation strategies. The operator, relying on the resources accumulated for over 10 years in technology, management, and marketing, insists on the established operational strategy, with a streamlined organized operation with classification of production and marketing, selecting customized products in small amounts, but large varieties for high demand, and high profit reward. At the same time, the company brings in ERP to make it IT-based and entrusts professional OEM to make up the human resource deficiency. It perfects the client’s financial system to reduce sales risks by creating client franchises. The upstream and downstream value chain has been integrated perfectly, and the operational performance and sale opportunities have been strengthened. Company A transfers from cost-oriented to profit-oriented. It can still retain rational profits as in the past decade and survives with its competitive edge in the most challenging environment in Taiwan.

It is expected, through analyzing the internal resources of the Company with SWOT, by the review and application of external industry environmental strategies, by the integration of the supply chain, the management of human resources, and the creation of competitive edges to put theory into practice some key factors of its success may evolve. These would be as follows: (1) To clearly define a position and select its operating principle of being “a big fish in a small pond.” (2) To develop leading technology so as to fully play its advantages in R&D and manufacturing. (3) To use systemized knowledge management to compensate for weaknesses in human qualifications within the system. (4) To form strategic partnerships to manage and integrate the external resources using limited resources (5) To address the differences in creation by integrating many creation advantages into one sustained advantage.

The case study indicates that small-and-middle-sized enterprises in Taiwan can sustain their operation only if they can grasp critical opportunities; evaluate their effective resources; play out their specific advantages, such as flexible organization, super response, and diligent employees; adapt to new competition environments; retain their toughness of seeking innovation and changes; and adjust their development pace to set up new operational strategies.
第一章 緒論1
第一節 研究背景與動機1
第二節 研究目的4
第三節 研究流程5
第二章 文獻探討6
第一節 產業分析6
第二節 產業分析方法9
第三節 關鍵成功因素20
第三章 研究方法28
第一節 研究架構28
第二節 研究方法30
第三節 研究對象30
第四章 產業與個案公司分析32
第一節 外部環境分析32
第二節 內部環境分析41
第三節 個案公司SWOT 分析55
第四節 個案公司關鍵成功因素58
第五章 結論與建議63
第一節 結論63
第二節 對業者建議65
第三節 後續研究方向67
第四節 研究限制67
附錄一 褥瘡的介紹72
附錄二 個案公司專利清單73

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黃營杉譯(民85),Hill, Charles W.L., Jones, Gareth 著,「策略管理」,華泰文化。
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