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研究生(外文):Ya-Wei Chang
論文名稱(外文):An initial study on computer supported reciprocal peer tutoring - solving multiple-step math problems in the fourth grade as example
指導教授(外文):Tak-Wai Chan
外文關鍵詞:computer supported reciprocal peer mentoringRPTtechnology as mediate
  • 被引用被引用:10
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學」學習活動設計( Reciprocal Peer Tutoring for Math Problem Solving,簡稱為
RPT-MPS ) ,並以電腦系統支援該設計,目的在讓從教導同儕的過程中學習並強化
在RPT-MPS 活動中,學生為了要教別人而努力學習,然後,學生分別輪流扮
演「指導者」( Tutor ) 與「學習者」( Tutee ) 兩種角色。當「學習者」在練習問題
互相討論,共同去尋找其他可能的答案,也就是教學相長( Learning by Tutoring ) 的
爲了解RPT-MPS 如何激勵學生學習、促進學生互動、設計上的合理性,本研
Several researches have found that let students in a situation for teaching others can lead their inner motivation to understand the knowledge to be taught and engage them in higher level thinking activities. However, some existed intra-class peer tutoring programs do not emphasis students tutors in the thinking progress of problem-solving or involve the learning process for peer tutoring. Therefore, this thesis proposes a pedagogic design called RPT-MPS, standing for promote elementary students’ math problem-solving ability, and an embryo system design to support RPT-MPS. The RPT-MPS learning activities and system design are for tutors to learn and strengthen his/ her own math problem-solving strategy via teaching peer tutees.
In RPT-MPS, students learn lessons hardly to prepare for teaching peer tutees, and play two roles “tutor” and “tutee” by turns. Tutors observe on tutee, lead tutee talk about his/her own thoughts and help instantly. Tutees think about the key point of question and discuss with his/ her own tutor via synchronous interaction and instant feedback functions for students and teachers.
One requirement analysis and two evaluation activities were conducted to investigate how RPT-MPS designs can motivate student tutors to learn, encourage the teaching interaction, the model design, and the role of system. This thesis gives accounts for the research background, motivation, purposes and the activity model, describes the system designs and interfaces, and reports results of evaluation activities. Recommendations for further study are addressed in the final part of this thesis.
中文摘要 I
致謝 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 VII
第一章、緒論 1
1.1研究背景與動機 1
1.2研究目的 4
1.3章節架構 5
第二章、相關研究 6
2.1 學習活動的相關概念 6
2.2 解題策略的相關概念 10
2.3 相關系統 12
2.4 活動比較 14
第三章、活動設計 16
3.1 RPT-MPS完整概念 16
3.2 課中活動設計 17
第四章 系統設計與實作 21
4.1 需求分析 21
4.2 雛型系統開發環境 26
4.3 雛型系統架構 28
4.4 雛型系統功能設計 29
4.5 雛型系統實作 30
第五章、實驗與討論 42
5.1 實驗目的 42
5.2 實驗對象與環境 43
5.3 第一階段實驗 45
5.4 第二階段實驗 67
5.5 綜合討論 72
第六章、結論 74
參考文獻 77
附錄一、紙筆測驗試題範本(含解題策略鷹架) 82
附錄二、紙筆測驗問卷調查表 83
附錄三、紙筆測驗訪談問題表 85
附錄四、電腦實驗題型範本 86
附錄五、電腦實驗詳解範本 87
附錄六、電腦實驗問卷 88
附錄七、電腦實驗訪談問題表 89
附錄八、後設認知量表-數學科學習經驗問卷 90
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