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研究生(外文):Sheng-Ru Wu
論文名稱(外文):The sexuality education learning situation and learning effects on vocational senior high student of special education school.
指導教授(外文):Sheng-Cheng Chung
外文關鍵詞:special education schoolvocational senior high studentsexuality education
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摘 要

The sexuality education situation and learning effects on vocational senior high student of special education school.


The purpose of this research was to explore the sexuality education learning situation and learning effects on vocational senior high students of special education school. The research had two main parts: The first part was to investigate the sexuality education learning situation and learning context at the special education school by questionnaire. The second part was to study the instant learning effect and following-up learning effect by using the multimedia teaching to the vocational senior high student of special education school.
The researcher made up the questionnaire of sexuality education for the vocational senior high students of special education school, and asked the teachers at the vocational senior high student of special education school and students’ parents to fill in. There were 269 copies from the teachers, and 265 copies from the parents. The data was analyzed by frequency distribution and analytic hierarchy process. The findings of this study were as following:
1. Most of the teachers and parents wanted to know the context of sexuality education, 90% teachers and 70% parents could get the information about the sexuality education. They always get the sexuality education information from speech, newspaper, and interview by the phones.
2. Teachers and parents thought the best timing to provide the sexuality education was at the primary school period. There was the effect performed at home, but it needs to coordinate with the curriculum at the school.
3. The teachers observed the students had inadequate sexual behavior such as touching different gender people without permission, masturbation and having bad language. The behavior parents observed from their children were reading the pornography, having bad language and asking about sex. There were 30% teachers and 50% parents felt uncomfortable while talking the sex with the students (children).
4. Most of the teachers and parents agreed that students could have the curriculum about sexuality education at school. More than 70% teachers and parents agreed the male and female students took the courses together. More than 60% teachers and parents agreed the students with mental retardation had boy friends or girl friends. 68% teachers and 40% parents agreed the students with mental retardation could have the marriage. More than 90% teachers and parents agreed that students with mental retardation could have the irreversible ligation. More than 80% teachers and parents thought the students with mental retardation would not have the capability to take care of their children.
5. Teachers and parents suggested the sexuality education at schools for their students (children) should provide the fields about:
(1) Physical status at sexuality: Teaching the students about the function and maintaining health of sexual organs, and the management of spermatorrhea, menstruate and masturbation.
(2) The relationship with different genders: teaching the concepts of “in public or in private”, and the ways to maintain the relationship with different gender.
(3) Self-protection: Teaching the borderline of permission for body contact, the judgments for situation at risk, the prevention for sexual harassment, and having the attitude of saying “NO”.
In the second part of this study, the subjects were 38 vocational senior high students from the National Taichung Special Education School. 18 students were arranged in the experimental group, who had 50 minutes per course, 4 courses per week, 6 weeks’ sexual education (24 courses) totally. 20 students were in the control group. Every student had the pre-test about the knowledge and attitude of sexual education before the courses. The post-test was performed after the courses finished. The researcher followed up the students’ learning effect after 10 weeks since coursed finished. Data was analyzed by one way ACOVA. The results were as following:
1. There was a significant difference in the instant learning effect about the sexual knowledge for the students with mental retardation.
2. There was a significant difference in the instant learning effect about the sexual attitude for the students with mental retardation
3. There was a significant difference in the following-up learning effect about the sexual knowledge for the students with mental retardation.
4. There was no following-up learning effect about the sexual attitude for the students with mental retardation.
According to the findings of this study, several suggestions for the education administration, teacher schools and special education were proposed. This research also provided some guidelines for the future studies.

KEY WORD : special education school; vocational senior high student; sexuality education
目 次
謝 辭 ………………………………………………… Ⅰ
中文摘要 ………………………………………………… Ⅱ
英文摘要 ………………………………………………… Ⅳ
目 次 ………………………………………………… Ⅶ
圖 次 ………………………………………………… Ⅸ
表 次 ………………………………………………… Ⅹ
附 錄 次 ………………………………………………… 1

第一章 緒論
第一節 問題背景與研究動機 ……………………… 1
第二節 研究目的 …………………………………… 8
第三節 待答問題 …………………………………… 8
第四節 研究假設 …………………………………… 10
第五節 名詞釋義 …………………………………… 11
第六節 研究限制 …………………………………… 13
第二章 文獻探討
第一節 教育的哲學思想及重要性 …………………
第二節 智能障礙學生之性教育實施現況 ………… 25
第三節 智能障礙學生性教育之課程與教學 ……… 55
第四節 智能障礙學生性教育教學之相關研究 …… 91
第三章 研究方法
第一節 調查問卷設計 ………………………………
第二節 實驗研究設計 ……………………………… 109
第三節 研究流程與步驟 …………………………… 127
第四節 資料分析方法 ……………………………… 130
第四章 研究結果與討論
第一節 研究結果 ……………………………………
第二節 綜合討論 …………………………………… 172
第五章 結論與建議
第一節 研究結論 ……………………………………
第二節 建議 ………………………………………… 193
參考文獻 ………………………………………………… 197
附 錄 ………………………………………………… 215

圖 次

圖3-1 研究流程圖…………………………………………………128

表 次

表2-1 智能學生的性發展特徵 ……………………………… 39
表2-2 皮亞傑之認知發展階段特徵 ………………………… 41
表2-3 特殊教育性教育之主要領域內容 …………………… 76
表2-4 性生理領域之教學內容 ……………………………… 79
表2-5 兩性關係領域之教學內容……………………………… 81
表2-6 自我保護領域之教學內容…………………………… 83
表2-7 特殊教育性教育的教學策略…………………………… 84
表2-8 智障受試者能力與評量題目型式關係表……………… 88
表2-9 特殊教育性教育調查研究一覽表……………………… 92
表2-11 特殊教育性教育實驗教學一覽表.…………………… 98
表3-1 研究對象一覽表 ………………………………………… 104
表3-2 前導研究設計 …………………………………………… 110
表3-3 性教育課程教學實驗設計 ……………………………… 111
表3-4 實驗組施教方式及時間 ………………………………… 112
表3-5 自變項之教學內容 ……………………………………… 113
表3-6 評量表之評分者信度 …………………………………… 116
表3-7 受試者基本資料 ………………………………………… 118
表3-8 「性知識評量表」之項目分析表 ……………………… 124
表3-9 性教育評量表之向度、答案數及配分 ………………… 125
表3-10 內部一致性信度………………………………………… 126
表3-11 研究步驟 ……………………………………………… 129
表4-1 教師問卷基本資料……………………………………… 133
表4-2 家長問卷基本資料……………………………………… 135
表4-3 獲取性教育內容表..…………………………………… 136
表4-4 性教育實施階段及家庭實施方式表..………………… 138
表4-5 學生常出性問題之一覽表……………………………… 140
表4-6 教師與家長對學生性問題之處理……………………… 141
表4-7 教師與學生家長在性教育實施現況綜合表…………… 142
表4-8 教學與家長對學校實施性教育看法…………………… 144
表4-9 教師與家長對男女生一齊上「性教育」看法…………… 145
表4-10 教師與家長對智能障礙者與異性交往之看法………… 146
表4-11 教師與家長對智障者結婚看法………………………… 147
表4-12 教師與家長對智障者婚後是否採避孕措施看法……… 148
表4-13 教師與家長對智障者是否採永久絕育看法…………… 149
表4-14 教師與家長對智障者是否有能力照顧下一代看法…… 150
表4-15 教師與學生家長對性教育看法綜合表………………… 152
表4-16 家長對各領域之比重排序摘要表……………………… 153
表4-17 教師及家長對「性生理」內容之比重排序摘要表…… 154
表4-18 教師對兩性關係教學內容之比重排序摘要表………… 155
表4-19 教師與家長對「自我保護」內容之比重排序摘要表… 155
表4-20 教師與家長對各課目教學內容之排序摘要表………… 157
表4-21 實驗組控制組IQ之t考驗表…………………………… 158
表4-22 實驗組、控制組前測、立即後測之性知識分數……… 159
表4-23 性知識立即後測之調整後平均數……………………… 160
表4-24 性知識立即後測效果單因子共變數分析摘要表……… 161
表4-25 性態度前測、立即後測之平均數與標準差…………… 162
表4-26 性態度立即後測之調整後平均數……………………… 163
表4-27 性態度立即後測效果單因子共變數分析摘要表……… 164
表4-28 實驗組、控制組前測、追蹤後測之性知識分數……… 165
表4-29 性態度立即後測之調整後平均數……………………… 166
表4-30 性知識追蹤後測效果單因子共變數分析摘要表……… 167
表4-31 性態度前測、追蹤後測之平均數與標準差…………… 168
表4-32 性態度追蹤測之調整後平均數………………………… 169
表4-33 性態度追蹤效果單因子共變數分析摘要表…………… 170
表4-34 性教育實驗教學效果一覽表…………………………… 171
表4-35 實驗、控制組在性知識-性生理之前、後測比較表… 183

附 錄 次

附錄一 調查問卷審查之專家學者名錄………………………… 216
附錄二 調查問卷審查專家意見………………………………… 216
附錄三 參與評量表評分之教師名錄…………………………… 219
附錄四 教案及評量表審查之學者專家名錄…………………… 219
附錄五 教案審查專家意見……………………………………… 220
附錄六 特殊教育學校高職部學生性教育問卷(教師版)…… 221
附錄七 特殊教育學校高職部學生性教育問卷(家長版)…… 228
附錄八 教案審查專家意見……………………………………… 234
附錄九 各課目之教學活動設計………………………………… 236
附錄十 性教育教學(PPT)範例-單元三 公開與隱私………… 253
附錄十一 性教育評量表預試版………………………………… 257
附錄十二 性教育評量圖………………………………………… 266
附錄十三 評量表審查專家意見………………………………… 288
附錄十四 性教育評量表正式版………………………………… 289

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