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研究生(外文):Ling Li
論文名稱(外文):Adaptive Data-Retention Cell Design for High-Resolution Current testability
外文關鍵詞:IDDQPower gatingMTCMOS
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IDDQ testing used to be an effective and efficient technique for testing high quality CMOS circuits. However the current resolution is gradually confined by leakage elevation and variation in the coming nanotechnology. On the other hand, to resolve the issue on static power dissipation, power-gating power management has been standardized in commercial reference design flow. Based on the existing requirement on power-gating power-management, this thesis is to develop an adaptive data-retention CMOS primitive logic gates that can not only reduce the spike current and wakeup time in power-gating power management but also highly improve the current resolution in the proposed power-gating sleep-mode current test.
Compared to existing double-ended power-gating primitive-logic standard cells implemented by MTCMOS for power-management, only a few overhead is added to maintain the data-retention mechanism. Getting rid of regular leakages cut off by the adaptively selected power gates, the bridging current through the turned-on retention transistors can then be efficiently tested. From experimental results using small examples and ISCAS89 benchmark circuits, about 64 times of current-resolution improvement can be achieved.
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 研究背景 1
1-2 研究動機 4
1-3 本論文簡介 6
1-4 本論文的章節編排 7
第二章 測試原理介紹 9
2-1 超大積體電路測試原理 9
2-2 電流測試原理 10
2-3 功耗評估 15
第三章 先前相關之研究與技術 18
3-1 電流測試觀念 18
3-2 Zigzag Super-Cutoff CMOS的結構 19
3-3 提昇電流測試解析度 21
3-4 相關電源閘控低功耗設計方面 24
第四章 本論文提出之IDDS架構 27
4-1 問題陳述與定義(Problem Formulation) 27
4-1-1 通閉路電流模型 27
4-1-2 超閉路開關(Super-cutoff) 28
4-1-3 門檻電流(Ith) 30
4-2 ASCCMOS架構(Adaptive supper cutoff CMOS) 31
4-2-1 睡眠控制訊號閘控迴路(Control-gated configuration) 31
4-2-2 電源開關維持旁路(Keeper-based configuration) 32
4-2-3 設計並對可能之ASCCMOS基本元件電路進行分類與比較 34
4-2-4 定義睡眠模式下之工作模式 35
4-3 叢集架構之配置 35
4-4 睡眠電流測試程序 36
4-5 橋接錯誤的分析 37
4-5-1 錯誤植入電路的探討 39
4-5-2 植入橋接電阻的範圍 40
4-6 分析各種設計之特性比較 41
第五章 實驗結果 43
5-1 BENCH circuit WL面積評估與電流解析度改善度 43
5-2 佈局ASCCMOS基本元件並建立元件庫 44
5-3 以小型電路進行面積、衝擊與元件功能的驗證分析 46
5-3-1 PG架構與ASC架構面積與延遲時間比較 46
5-3-2 LVT架構與ASC架構加入橋接錯誤之可量測範圍 47
5-4 0.13um下線之晶片資料與模擬結果分析 48
第六章 結論 55
參考文獻 56
作者簡歷 59
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