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研究生(外文):Chih Hao Chang
論文名稱(外文):The Research of Airbag Module Static Deployment Testing System
指導教授(外文):Chin Xiong Chen
外文關鍵詞:AirbagInflatorGas GeneratorCoverCushionStatic Deployment Test
  • 被引用被引用:3
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摘 要


The static deployment test is the major means to evaluate the performance of the airbag module, and identify whether or not the airbag module meets one of the test items needed for the airbag system performances. The test is also one of the most important techniques in the stage of the airbag module research and development.
The purpose of this research is to build up a set of static deployment test system that can be used to verify the design of the airbag module. During the process from firing to deploying, the system can watch the behavior of each component of the airbag module, including the time when the cover breaks, whether or not the cover opens along the direction of the tear line, whether or not the cover sheds off, whether or not the cushion deploys completely, whether or not the cushion burns through by solid particles produced by the combustion of the gas generator after the inflator fires; whether or not the seam thread of the cushion breaks; and whether or not the container deforms. Meanwhile, the data acquisition system acquires the data to analyze the pressure and the cushion deploys time to finish verifying the design of the airbag module.
In the initial vehicle type developing stage, only when the development function of airbag module is tested, verified and qualified by the static deployment testing system can the vehicle equipped with airbag system be massively produced and enter the market.
This thesis builds up a set of airbag static deployment test system, which is of low cost and high accuracy, embodying five functions: firing and triggering synchronously, pressure measuring dynamically, high speed videos taking, data acquiring and recording, and digital signals filtering. The system with those functions helps research and development staff test airbag module in the stage of research and development, and analyze the experiment data acquired, so that research and development staff can adjust interface design integrating all components of the airbag module, enabling the airbag module to meet the specification needed as designed.
摘要(中文) I
摘要(英文) III
謝誌 V
目錄 VI
表目錄 X
圖目錄 XI

第一章 緒論 1
1-1 前言 1
1-2 安全氣囊系統作動原理與設計原則 2
1-2-1 氣囊模組 4
1-2-1-1 充氣器 5
1-2-1-2 氣囊袋 7
1-2-1-3 蓋板 8
1-2-2 感測模組 9
1-3 研究動機與目的 10
1-4 論文架構 11
第二章 系統原理之探討 13
2-1 點火電阻量測 13
2-2 同步點火控制 14
2-3 動態壓力量測 17
2-3-1 傳感器 17
2-3-2 壓電效應 18
2-3-3 壓電式壓力傳感器之結構 19
2-3-4 壓電式壓力傳感器訊號轉換電路 20
2-4 數位信號處理 23
2-4-1 信號的定義與描述 24
2-4-2 信號取樣 27
2-4-3 數位濾波 28
2-5 序列影像運動分析 31
2-5-1 序列影像運動分析方法 31
2-5-2 序列影像運動分析系統 35
第三章 系統設計整合 37
3-1 同步控制器設計 38
3-2 動態壓力感測器選配 40
3-3 信號放大器選配 43
3-4 高速攝影機選配與驅動設計 45
3-5 資料擷取系統選配 47
3-6 全系統整合實現 48
3-6-1 安全氣囊模組之固定組裝 48
3-6-2 信號放大器與資料擷取系統之整合 49
3-6-3 高速攝影機與電腦之整合 50
3-6-4 同步控制器介面整合 51
3-6-5 全系統整合全貌 52
第四章 實驗結果分析 53
4-1 測試溫度23℃之靜態展開測試 51
4-2 測試溫度高溫85℃之靜態展開測試 56
4-3 測試溫度低溫-35℃之靜態展開測試 59
4-4 實驗結果討論 62
第五章 結論與未來研究方向 64
5-1 結論 64
5-2 未來研究方向 64
參考文獻 66

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