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研究生(外文):Cheng-chieh Chang
論文名稱(外文):The Reading Process of EFL Learners in Taiwan: Insights from Reading Miscue Analysis
指導教授(外文):Shan-mao Chang
外文關鍵詞:Reading ProcessEFL ReaderReading Miscue AnalysisLinguistic Cueing SystemsMorphological Change Miscue
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Reading miscue analysis has long been one method of choice to gain an insight into the reading process. However, to apply this method to investigate the EFL readers’ reading process received only scant attention thus far. The purpose of this study was to explore the reading process of Taiwanese learners through miscue analysis. A secondary purpose was to discuss some encountered problems on applicability of miscue analysis in EFL contexts. Four EFL readers participated in the study. The Reading Miscue Inventory (Goodman, Watson, & Burke, 2005) was used as the major instrument in this study. The miscues of participants were examined in the following aspects: syntactic acceptability, semantic acceptability, meaning change, and graphic and sound similarity. The four readers were found to integrate syntactic, semantic, and graphophonic information during the reading process. The miscue patterns reflected that they rely more strongly on the graphophonic and semantic cues than on the syntactic cues. These EFL readers also produced some proportion of morphological change miscues, which seem to reflect the interlanguage features of Chinese EFL learners. With regard to the secondary purpose, in EFL contexts, to judge what is considered to be a miscue to be coded, especially the morphological change miscues, and to judge the syntactic and semantic acceptability of miscues are likely to be potential difficulties one would contend with. The discussion might post a fruitful issue for further research when one selects this method to examine the process of L2 reading.

Background and Motivation 1
Purpose of the Study 5
Definition of Terms 5
Significance of the Study 6

The Nature of Reading 8
Summary 11
Reading Models 11
Bottom-up Models 12
Top-down Models 15
Interactive Models 20
Summary 22
Reading in a Second Language 22
Differences of L1 and L2 reading 23
L2 Reading Process 24
Summary 27
Reading Miscue Analysis Research 27
Miscue and Miscue Analysis 28
Related Miscue Studies: L1 English Readers 30
Related Miscue Studies: L2 English Readers 32
Summary 34

Meeting the Participants 35
Eason 35
Robin 37
Amanda 37
Daisy 39
Materials for Oral Reading 41
Preparing the Typescripts 42
Data Collection 42
Burke Interview 42
Oral Reading 43
Retelling 43
Follow-up Discussion 44
Marking the Typescript 44
Analyzing the Miscues 45

The Case of Eason 47
In-depth Miscue Analysis of Eason’s Oral Reading 47
Eason’s Reading Strategies Use 50
Eason as an EFL Reader 53
The Case of Robin 53
In-depth Miscue Analysis of Robin’s Oral Reading 53
Robin’s Reading Strategy Use 55
Robin as an EFL Reader 57
The Case of Amanda 57
In-depth Miscue Analysis of Amanda’s Oral Reading 57
Amanda’s Reading Strategy Use 59
Amanda as an EFL Reader 60
The Case of Daisy 61
In-depth Miscue Analysis of Daisy’s Oral Reading 61
Daisy’s Reading Strategy Use 62
Daisy as an EFL Reader 63

Summary of the Findings 64
Discussion of the Findings 65
The Utilization of Linguistic Cueing Systems 65
Applicability of Reading Miscue Analysis in EFL contexts 70
Implications 73
Limitations and Future Research Suggestions. 74

Appendix A Burke Reading Interview and Its Chinese Translation 84
Appendix B The Used Reading Materials for Children and Adult 85
Appendix C1 Marked Typescript of Eason’s Oral Reading 86
Appendix C2 In-depth Miscue Analysis Coding of Eason’s Oral Reading 89
Appendix D1 Marked Typescript of Robin’s Oral Reading 91
Appendix D2 In-depth Miscue Analysis Coding of Robin’s Oral Reading 93
Appendix E1 Marked Typescript of Amanda’s Oral Reading 96
Appendix E2 In-depth Miscue Analysis Coding of Amanda’s Oral Reading 103
Appendix F1 Marked Typescript of Daisy’s Oral Reading 105
Appendix F2 In-depth Miscue Analysis Coding of Daisy’s Oral Reading 112
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