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研究生(外文):Pei- Cheng Chung
論文名稱(外文):Changes of Hormone Pattern during the Reproduction Period in White Roman Geese
指導教授(外文):Chii-Ming Chiou
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本試驗之目的在比較白羅曼母鵝於產蛋期與非產蛋期的產蛋性能,以及其體內激素(hormone)的變化。試驗自2004年9月至2006年7月,為期一年又十個月。於試驗開始,將購進之母鵝分成兩組(A組與B組),A組處於自然光照的環境下,且每隻鵝個別籠飼,每天記錄所觀察之行為表現; B組鵝隻則處於人工光照的水濂式禽舍中,飼糧與水皆任食。結果顯示,A組在自然光照條件下平均蛋重為145.63 g,較人工光照處理輕。在蛋長與蛋寬方面,分別平均為8.7㎝與5.6㎝,二組間並無顯著差異(P>0.05)。於產蛋期間,鵝隻體內激素的變動雖未達顯著水準,但仍可看出有些微的變化。動情素(E2)、助孕素(P4)與睪固酮(T)在產蛋前後7小時的變動幅度較FSH與LH明顯。試驗期間,母鵝經人工授精後,其種蛋的受精率(20%)顯著低於自然配種的受精率(50%)(P<0.05) 。試驗結果顯示,人工光照能夠延遲初產日期致蛋重較重。而產蛋期與非產蛋期之間的內泌素變化並沒有顯著差異。
Understanding the changes of the hormone pattern during the reproduction period in geese, will aid improve their reproduction performance. The objective of this experiment is to observe and compare the geese’s behavior during laying period and non-laying period, and the changes of hormone in vivo. The experiment was conducted from September 2004 to July 2006, for a period of 1 year and 10 months. When the experiment begun, the geese were divided into two groups (A and B group). Group A was put into the natural photoperiod place, caged individually, and their behaviors were recorded. Group B was put into the artificial photoperiod place with wet pad system and feeding together, feeds and water were supplied ad libitum. The results showed that the average egg weight in natural photoperiod. Among each treatment was no different, only group A (145.63 g) is lighter than other treatments. There was no significant difference in egg length and width ( 8.7㎝ and 5.6㎝) between the two groups (P>0.05). In the overall laying period, although the changes of hormone in geese were no significant (p>0.05), but there is a slightly different. Furthermore, the changes of estrogen (E2), progesterone (P4) and testosterone (T) concentration in the circulation were significantly different 7 hours before and after laying, but FSH and LH were not. In overall experiment period, after artificial insemination (AI) of geese, their fertilization rate (20%) was observed to be significantly lower than natural mating (50%) (P<0.05). Conclusion, artificial photoperiod can delay first laying period which lead to heavier eggs. The changes of hormone between nonlaying period and laying period have no significant difference.
(一) 生殖特性
(二) 光照影響禽類之生殖
(三) 調節家禽生殖之神經內分泌機制
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