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研究生(外文):Ju-Ping Hsieh
論文名稱(外文):Effect of treatments with polyethylene glycol on the properties of particleboard
指導教授(外文):Chuan-Ting Tsai
外文關鍵詞:Radiata pinedimensional stabilitypolyethylene glycolparticleboard
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由各種粒片之FTIR圖譜得知,對照組與經聚乙二醇處理之粒片,並沒有新的吸收峰出現,但羥基量增加。另外,這兩種處理方法之粒片板,其密度為0.64~0.66g/cm3之間與未處理材無明顯差異。而含水率以浸漬方式者最低。所有條件之粒片板其甲醛釋出量皆未符合游離甲醛釋出F2級標準(0.5 mg/L以下)。彈性模數及破壞模數方面,兩種處理方式其強度會隨著聚乙二醇濃度之增加而明顯下降,但以添加方式者較佳,且與未處理材差異不顯著。
For increasing the usage of wood waste, the wood-based board was produced .But its dimension was not stable, so how to keep its stability is the first target to improve. This study used PEG as a stabilizing agent.Two methods, i.e. soaking wood particles and adding into the adhesive were carried out, the concentration of PEG were 5%、10%、15% and 20%, respetively. After pressing, the boards were put into conditioning room(20℃,65%RH) for 7 days. The physical mechanical and dimensional stability were measured.
According to the FTIR spectrogram of various particles, control and soaking with polyethylene glycol, there was no new absorption peak in soaking sample compared to the control, but the amount of hydroxyl group was increased.Besides, the density for the two different treatment methods of particleboards was between 0.64 and 0.66g/cm3. That was no significant difference between them. The moisture content of soaked board was lower. The release amount of free formaldehyde of all the conditioned particleboard unmatched F2 standard (below 0.5mg/L). As regards the modulus of elasticity and modulus of rupture,the strength of these two treatments will be lower obviously because of the increasing of concentration of polyethylene glycol, but it was a better method by additive , and it was no significant difference with non-treated
As for the dimensional stability, percentage of shrinkage for particleboard by soaking was obviously low because of the increasing of its concentration. Its volumetric anti-shrink efficiency reached the biggest (93.26%) at the concentration of 20%. Percentage of shrinkage of adding was higher than soaking. Volumetric anti-shrink efficiency could only reach to 58.91%, so particleboard’s volumetric anti-shrink efficiency was better by soaked, it could keep the dimension more stable. On the other hand, at the conditions of 40℃, RH75% and 90%, the percentage of swelling was low while increasing concentration by the way of soaking, and the volumetric anti-swelling efficiency was higher than by additing. The higher concentration of polyethylene glycol, the lower percentage of moisture absorption, moisture-excluding efficiency of soaking was higher than additing. It revealed that soaking had the better efficiency of stability. Forejudging this kind of particleboard will decrease the moisture absorption, maybe the particles were covered by polyethylene glycol, as a protective layer. And owing to its moisture absorption ability was stronger than woods, so moisture was hard to combine with hydroxyl groups of wood. As for moisture-excluding efficiency, it was not so obviously by additing than by soaking, but the strength was higher than by soaking.Therefore,consider the treatment operation of these two methods, it could have less time to make the
boards and saved the cost by adding.
By through modifying particleboard with PEG, although the mechanical properties were lower than normal particleboard, but the dimensional stability was inreased. If they are used for non-construction,treating with PEG may be a feasible treatment method.
(II)研究流程....................... 4
(II)粒片板之定義及發展史................ 7
(一)歷史背景..................... 7
(二)發展史...................... 8
三、粒片板的性質................... 11
(III)木材改良..................... 12
一、尺寸安定化的表示法................ 13
二、尺寸安定化的方法................. 14
(IV)聚乙二醇之介紹................... 23
一、何謂聚乙二醇................... 23
二、聚乙二醇的作用.................. 24
三、聚乙二醇的處理方法................ 26
(I)試驗材料備製.................... 29
ㄧ、粒片板製造及條件................. 31
二、粒片基本性質測定................. 32
三、粒片板性質試驗.................. 33
IV、結果與討論..................... 43
(II)粒片板之性質................... 46
二、粒片板之機械性質................ 49
V、結論......................... 73
VI、參考文獻...................... 76
圖1 粒片浸漬聚乙二醇粒片板之試驗流程圖
Fig.1 Flow chart diagram of soaked polyethylene glycol particleboard.. 4

圖2 膠合劑添加聚乙二醇粒片板之試驗流程圖
Fig. 2 Flow chart of additive polyethylene glycol particleboard..... 5

圖3 人類對木材需要性之演變趨勢
Fig.3 Evolution of mankind to timber needs.............7

圖4 細胞壁膨潤試驗。以20wt.%PEG 200注入歐洲赤松(Pinus sylvestris)
Fig.4 An example of cell wall swelling. Swedish Pine(Pinus sylvestris)
impregnated with 20 w/o PEG 200.............. 26

Fig.5 Testing samples of physical and mechanical properties......34

Fig. 6 Testing wood dimension and position for testing density.....35

Fig.7 Testing diagram of internal bond strength...........39

Fig. 8 Bending strength test settings............... 40

圖9 放射松粒片、聚乙二醇藥劑及浸漬20%PEG粒片之FTIR光譜圖
Fig. 9 FTIR spectrogram of radiate pine particle, polyethylene glycol and
soaked 20% PEG particle.................45

圖10 對照組與不同濃度聚乙二醇處理粒片之FTIR光譜圖
Fig. 10 FTIR spectrogram of control and treated with different concentration polyethylene glycol...................46

圖11 甲醛濃度之檢量線
Fig.11 Standard line of formaldehyde content............49

圖12 不同處理方式及各種聚乙二醇濃度和體積抗收縮效能之相關性
Fig.12 Relationship between different treatments, various concentration polyethylene glycol and volumetric anti-shrink efficiency ... 55

圖13 對照組與浸漬不同濃度聚乙二醇粒片板於40℃、RH75%下之經
Fig.13 Coefficient of volumetric swelling of control and soaked in different concentration polyethylene glycol particleboard under 40℃, RH75%

圖14 對照組與添加不同濃度聚乙二醇粒片板於40℃、RH75%下之經
Fig.14 Coefficient of volumetric swelling of control and added in different
concentration polyethylene glycol particleboard under 40℃, RH75%

圖15 對照組與浸漬不同濃度聚乙二醇粒片板於40℃、RH90%下之經
Fig.15 Coefficient of volumetric swelling of control and soaked in different concentration polyethylene glycol particleboard under 40℃, RH90%

圖16 對照組與添加不同濃度聚乙二醇粒片板於40℃、RH90%下之經

Fig.16 Coefficient of volumetric swelling of control and added in different
concentration polyethylene glycol particleboard under 40℃, RH90%

圖17 聚乙二醇濃度與40℃ RH75%及90%體積抗膨脹效能之相關性
Fig.17 Relationship between concentration polyethylene glyco and volumetric anti-swelling efficiency under 40℃, RH75% and 90%.........................63

圖18 對照組與浸漬不同濃度聚乙二醇粒片板於40℃、RH75%下之經
Fig.18 Percentage of moisture absorption of control and soaked different
concentration polyethylene glycol particleboard under 40℃, RH75%

圖19 對照組與添加不同濃度聚乙二醇粒片板於40℃、RH75%下之經
Fig.19 Percentage of moisture absorption of control and added different
concentration polyethylene glycol particleboard under 40℃, RH75%

圖20 對照組與浸漬不同濃度聚乙二醇粒片板於40℃、RH90%下之經
Fig.20 Percentage of moisture absorption of control and soaked different
concentration polyethylene glycol particleboard under 40℃, RH90%
........................... 66

圖21 對照組與添加不同濃度聚乙二醇粒片板於40℃、RH90%下之經
Fig.21 Percentage of moisture absorption of control and added different
concentration polyethylene glycol particleboard under 40℃, RH90%
圖22 聚乙二醇濃度與40℃、RH 75%及90%下抗吸濕率之相關性
Fig.22 Relationship between polyethylene glycol concentration and
moisture-excluding efficiency under 40℃, RH 75% and 90%.. 71

表1 不同分子量聚乙二醇之性質
Table 1 Properties of different molecular weight polyethylene glycol ..24

表2 放射松粒片之基本性質及處理後之重量增加率
Table 2 Basical property of radiata pine particle and weight percent
gain after treatment ..................44

表3 各種條件粒片板之物理性質
Table 3 Physical properties of various conditional particleboard ....47

表4 各種條件粒片板釋出之游離甲醛濃度
Table 4 Released free formaldehyde concentration of various conditional

表5 各種條件粒片板之機械性質
Table 5 Mechanical properties of various conditional particleboard ...51

表6 各種條件粒片板之體積抗收縮效能
Table 6 Volumetric anti-shrink efficiency of various conditional particleboard.....................54

Table 7 Volumetric anti-swelling efficiency of various conditional particleboard under 40℃, RH75%.............60

Table 8 Volumetric anti-swelling efficiency of various conditional particleboard under 40℃, RH90%.............61

Table 9 Moisture-excluding efficiency of various conditional particleboard
under 40℃, RH 75%..................68

Table 10 Moisture-excluding efficiency of various conditional particleboard
under 40℃, RH90%..................69
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