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研究生(外文):Bo-Zhi Yang
論文名稱(外文):Adaptive Spread Spectrum Digital Video Watermarking Embedding Technique Using Block-Based Discrete Wavelet Transform
指導教授(外文):Chien-Chuan Ko, Ph. D.
外文關鍵詞:watermarkingfeature blockspread spectrum techniqueJNDhash image
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因人類視覺對於高亮度、高度紋路及高速動作較不能感受其變化性,本研究以離散小波為基礎,先將影框分割成非重疊區塊,進行三階小波離散轉換,透過一系列特徵擷取運算,可從影像中取出符合上述特徵的區塊。在這些特徵區塊的擷取上,我們不只引用小波的技術,更採用變異數、熵、比率對數..等描述評估紋理及動作的特徵,以增強在特徵偵測上的準確性。因人類視學系統的關係,本技術藏入的浮水印將具有視覺上不易察覺的特性。我們亦對浮水印進行雜湊影像法,取得安全性的浮水印序列,保證了系統的安全性。尤其,我們以展頻技術再結合恰辨差檢查,達到影像品質控制,並適應性地調整每一張影框區塊的縮放係數,適當地將浮水印嵌入至個別區塊中。本論文提出的方法在偵測浮水印時僅需一張影框,即可偵測浮水印的存在,又因它是空間域的線性嵌入技術,對於線性轉換的影像攻擊具有不錯抵抗性,所藏入的視訊可抵抗包括:影框平均、縮減、亂排等攻擊。實驗結果也顯示,在浮水印藏至靜態影像時,本研究所提的方法可有效抵抗銳化、中值濾波器、模糊、雨滴雜訊、亮度調整、剪裁、高斯雜訊、JPEG和MPEG 等攻擊。
The major goal of this study is to embed and detect a watermark for digital video. In general, the spatial watermark embedding technique can not obtain better robustness in comparison with other techniques. This study embeds watermark in spatial domain based on image block which contains features with high intensity, high texture, and high motion, and improves the robustness of the watermark embedded in spatial.
Since human visual system (HVS) can’t sense variations caused by high brightness, high texture, and fast motion regions within the video frames, an adaptive watermarking technique was developed to embed watermark signals into these regions. To this end, a digital video is first divided into various frames consisting of several blocks. Each block is then transformed by discrete wavelet transform (DWT). Feature blocks are determined based on the image features discussed above. Spread spectrum incorporated with just notice difference (JND) is performed to embed the watermark into feature blocks or non-feature blocks. Because feature block was designed based on HVS, the watermark is imperceptible to human’s eyes. The embedded watermark can be detected only with a frame. The proposed can resist attacks of linear transformation in digital video frames including frame average, frame reduction, and frame shuttle. Experimental results also demonstrate that the proposed method can obtain better performance in comparison with traditional schemes and resist various malicious attacks for still images such as cropping, JPEG compression, MPEG compression, and etc..
第一章 導論.............................................................................................. 1
1.1 研究動機......................................................................................... 1
1.2 研究目的......................................................................................... 2
1.3 論文架構......................................................................................... 4
第二章 文獻回顧...................................................................................... 6
2.1 相關研究.........................................................................................6
2.2 空間域浮水印技術......................................................................... 8
2.3 頻率域展頻浮水印技術............................................................... 11
2.4 視訊特徵域浮水印技術...............................................................13
2.5 視訊小波域浮水印技術...............................................................17
第三章 研究方法.................................................................................... 22
3.1 方法架構....................................................................................... 22
3.2 離散小波轉換...............................................................................23
3.3 特徵區塊.......................................................................................27
3.4 展頻...............................................................................................42
3.5 恰辨差...........................................................................................44
3.6 浮水印嵌入與偵測........................................................................47
3.7 浮水印在醫學影像之應用............................................................53
第四章 實驗結果與討論........................................................................ 57
4.1 實驗結果....................................................................................... 57
4.2 效能評估....................................................................................... 61
4.3 本研究與傳統偵測方法之效能比較...........................................63
4.4 場景偵測與不同浮水印的保護措施...........................................65
4.5 醫學影像的應用........................................................................... 68
第五章 結論............................................................................................ 72
5.1 總結............................................................................................... 72
5.2 未來方向........................................................................................ 73
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