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研究生(外文):Shun-Hsieh Kuan
論文名稱(外文):Effects of Growing Media and Fertilizer Concentrations on the growth of Phalaenopsis.
指導教授(外文):Tsai-Mu Shen
外文關鍵詞:Phalaenopsisgrowing mediafertilizer concentrationsfertigation frequency
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本研究主要目的是探討不同介質種類及以樹皮為栽培介質時,施肥濃度和澆水頻率對蝴蝶蘭生長之影響。比較三品種蝴蝶蘭Phalaenopsis. Brother Girl ’TS’(黃花)、Phal. Tropican Lady ’TS’(紅花)和Phal. Sogo Yukidian ‘V3’(白花)於七種不同栽培介質中(智利水苔、中國水苔、紐西蘭樹皮、印尼樹皮和樹皮與水苔不同之混合比例)對植株生長之影響。栽培4個月後結果顯示,無論是7.5cm或10.5cm苗,以中國水苔為栽培介質處理者,植株之葉幅、葉長、葉寬、葉數、地上部鮮乾重、地下部鮮重較其他栽培介質處理者佳;但在地下部乾重皆以樹皮為佳。由以上結果得知,以水苔做為栽培介質時,有利於蝴蝶蘭地上部之生長;而以樹皮為栽培介質,由於樹皮的通氣性較佳,則利於根部之生長發育。另以歐洲混合介質、樹皮混合peat moss與水苔(10:1:1,v/v/v)及水苔等三種為Phal. Sogo Yukidian ‘V3’ 出瓶苗之栽培介質,以噴霧式給水方式,每4天一次,使用Peters 20N-20P2O5-20K2O,肥料濃度為0.33g/L,經栽培4個月後結果顯示,對蝴蝶蘭苗株之葉幅、葉長、葉寬、總鮮重、地上部鮮重、地下部鮮重和地上部乾重皆有顯著影響,其中以歐洲混合介質為佳。
並比較以紐西蘭樹皮為栽培介質時,不同苗齡之白花蝴蝶蘭Phal. White King 和紅花朵麗蝶蘭Doritaenopsis. Ching Ann Davis在不同養分和水分管理下對植株生長之影響。試驗結果顯示,經栽培4個月後,使用Peters 20N-20P2O5-20K2O,肥料濃度(0.5g/L、0.75g/L、1.0g/L、1.25g/L)和澆水頻率(3、6、9、12天)對7.5cm之白花蝴蝶蘭之葉幅、葉長、葉寬、總鮮重、地上部乾重和地下部乾重皆有顯著
進一步改以噴霧式給水方式,每2、4天一次,使用Peters 20N-20P2O5-20K2O,肥料濃度稀釋成0.5g/L及0.33g/L,結果顯示,經栽培4個月後,對7.5cm之白花蝴蝶蘭Phal. Sogo Yukidian ‘V3’之葉幅、葉長、葉寬、總鮮重、地上部和地下部乾重皆有顯著影響,且以2天澆水一次為較顯著,而肥料濃度對其生長並無顯著影響。
Effects of Growing Media and Fertilizer Concentrations on the growth of Phalaenopsis


The object of this study was to investigate the effect of different growing media, fertilizer concentrations and fertigation frequency on the growth of Phalaenopsis. Three cultivars, Phalaenopsis. Brother Girl ‘TS’、Phal. Tropican Lady ‘TS’ and Phal. Sogo Yukidian ‘V3’, were tested for seven different growing media and evaluated their growth performance. The results suggested that plants grown with China sphagnum had better performance on leaf span, leaf length, leaf number, shoot dry weight and root fresh weight than other medium treatments after 4 month culture. However, plants grown with bark were better on root dry weight.

Beside it, Phal. Sogo Yukidian ‘V3’ plants grown in 4.5cm pot were tested for the effect European mix medium, New Zealand bark mixed with peat moss and sphagnum (10:1:1, v/v/v) and sphagnum with 0.33g/L was fertigated every 4 days during the experiment. The results suggested that growing media had significant influence on leaf span, leaf length, lead width, total fresh weight, shoot fresh weight, root fresh weight and root dry weight after 4 month culture. Among all tested medium, European mix medium resulted in better plant growth performance.

Phal. White King and Dtps. Ching Ann Davis plants with different age were teated for the effect of New Zealand bark as culture medium on plant growth. Peters 20N-20P2O5-20K2O fertilizer concentration at 0.5g/L, 0.75g/L, 1.0g/L and 1.25g/L and fertigation frequency (3, 6, 9 and 12 days interval were also tested.). The results showed that there were significant effects on leaf span, leaf length, lead width, total fresh weight, shoot fresh weight, root number and shoot dry weight of 7.5cm potted plants. Plant
growth performances were better by fertigation every 3 days within all tested fertilizer concentration. The similar trend was also founded in 10.5cm potted.

Spraying fertigation with 0.33g/L and 0.5g/L Peters 20N-20P2O5-20K2O 2 or 4 days interval, the results showed that leaf span, leaf length, leaf width, total fresh weight, shoot and root dry weight were significantly affected. Plant growth performances were better by spraying fertigation on 2 days interval. However, different fertilizer concentrations did not have influence on plant growth.

貳、前人研究(Literature Review)………………………………….2
一、蘭科植物栽培介質的演進 . .………………...……………….2
參、材料與方法(Materials and Methods)……………..........14
試驗三、歐洲混合介質、樹皮混合peat moss與水苔、水苔對
四、歐洲混合介質、樹皮混合peat moss與水苔及水苔對蝴蝶蘭
伍、討論(Discussion) ……………………………………………..34
三、歐洲混合介質、樹皮混合peat moss與水苔及水苔對蝴蝶蘭
(二)樹皮混合peat moss與水苔及水苔對蝴蝶蘭生長之影響…....39
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