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研究生(外文):Siwy-Ling Yang
論文名稱(外文):The proteomic study of biocontrol mechanism in Trichoderma harzianum responding to Botrytis cinerea
指導教授(外文):Kou-Cheng Peng
外文關鍵詞:ProteomicsLC MS/MSBotrytis cinereaBiocontrolTrichoderma harzianum
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Trichoderma harzianum 為一具有顯著生物防治功能的真菌,常用於對抗引起植物病害的病原真菌,如Botrytis cinerea、Rhizoctonia solani 以及Fusarium oxysporum。因此,深入了解T. harzianum 對抗植物病原真菌的作用機制將有利於往後植物病害的防治。本研究將T. harzianum培養於四種不同碳源環境,分別是1% 葡萄糖、0.5% 葡萄糖混合0.5% 失去活性的B. cinerea 菌絲、1% 失去活性的B. cinerea 菌絲以及1% 失去活性的T. harzianum菌絲,以二維電泳配合LC MS/MS分析,分離並鑑定這些胞外蛋白質。從四種不同培養環境下取得的共100個蛋白質樣品進行LC MS/MS 分析,共91個樣品得到LC MS/MS的訊號,並成功鑑定出33個蛋白質。其中,專一於含有1% 失去活性的B. cinerea 菌絲的培養環境,鑑定出一個L-amino acid oxidase及兩個endochitinases。另外,本篇研究也在上述四種不同培養條件下,對T. harzianum所分泌的多種水解酵素進行活性分析,分別是chitinase、β-1,3-glucanase、β-1,6-glucanase、 xylanase、cellulase、mannanase 及 protease。結果顯示在B. cinerea的誘導下,β-1,3-glucanase、β-1,6-glucanase、chitinase、protease及xylanase的酵素活性明顯提升,顯然這些分泌到細胞外的水解酵素在T. harzianum對抗病原真菌時扮演著重要的角色。
Trichoderma harzianum is a notable biocontrol agent which has a natural ability to antagonize a wide range of phytopathogenic fungi such as Botrytis cinerea, Rhizoctonia solani and Fusarium oxysporum. Therefore, it is providing an alternative management of these pathogens to chemical fungicides. Understanding the biocontrol mechanism of T. harzianum responding to the pathogens will provide a direct benefit for the further applications in the plant diseases control. Two-dimensional electrophoresis was used to display secreted protein pattern of T. harzianum grown on media containing glucose, mixture of glucose and deactivated B. cinerea, deactivated B. cinerea, and deavtivated T. harzianum, respectively. Protein patterns were compared to identify T. harzianum proteins induced in the presence of B. cinerea. Protein spots were identified using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). Ninety one out of 100 excised protein spots have been successfully analyzed by LC-MS/MS anaylysis. Thirty three out of these 91 proteins were identified. Among them, one L-amino acid oxidase, two endochitinases were uniquely induced in the medium contained deactivated B. cinerea as the sole carbon source. Seven secreted enzymes, including chitinase, β-1,3-glucanase, β-1,6-glucanase, xylanase, cellulase, mannanase and protease were also assayed for their activity. Enzyme activities of β-1,3-glucanases, β-1,6-glucanases, chitinases, proteases and xylanases were detected distinctly higher in medium with deactivated B. cinerea than others. Suggest that these enzymes play a critical role in biocontrol mechanism of T. harzianum in the mode of action pathogen cell wall degradation. To our knowledge, this is the first proteomic study conducted to identify the secreted proteins from T. harzianum against B. cinerea.
Table of Contents

Table of Contents………………………………………………………V
1. Introduction…………………………………………………………1
2. Literature review
2.1 Plant diseases and reigning managements…………………………4
2.2 Introduction of Trichoderma……………………………………….6
2.3 Taxonomic classification of Trichoderma…………………………7
2.4 The Trichoderma chronology………………………………………7
2.5 Geographic distribution of Trichoderma…………………………10
2.6 Morphology and Microscopic features of Trichoderma………….10
2.7 Trichoderma species as biocontrol agents………………………11
2.8 Trichoderma harzianum…………………………………………15
2.9 Introduction of Botrytis cinerea…………………………………..17
2.10 Morphology of Botrytis cinerea………………………………..19
3. Materials and methods
3.1 Fungal strains……………………………………………………..20
3.2 Chemicals…………………………………………………………20
3.3 Materials, Equipments and Software…………………………......21
3.4 Deactivated B. cinerea preparation……………………….………22
3.5 Deactivated T. harzianum ETS 323 preparation……………….....22
3.6 T. harzianum cultivation…………………………………………..23
3.7 Secreted protein precipitation from the culture media……………24
3.8 Protein assay………………………………………………………25
3.9 One-dimensional SDS-PAGE……………………………………25
3.10 Isoelectric focusing and 2D-PAGE……………………………26
3.11 Protein patterns analysis and protein spots in-gel digestion…….27
3.12 LC/ESI-MS/MS analysis of tryptic peptides…………………….28
3.13 Enzyme activity assay…………………………………………...30
3.14 Enzyme activity stain……………………………………………32
4. Result
4.1 T. harzianum ETS 323 cultivation on PDA……………………....34
4.2 T. harzianum ETS 323 germination in media culture……………36
4.3 B. cinerea B136 cultivation……………………………………….37
4.4 The antagonism between T. harzianum ETS 323 and B. cinerea B136……………………………………………………………38
4.5 One-dimensional SDS-PAGE……………………………………41
4.6 Enzyme activity assay……………………………………………43
4.7 Enzyme activity stain……………………………………………46
4.8 Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis analysis…………………....51
4.9 Protein identification……………………………………………...56
5. Discussion…………………………………………………………….64
6. Conclusion……………………………………………………………75
7. References……………………………………………………………77
8. Appendix
8.1 MS/MS spectra of the identified proteins…………………….......88

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